This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor
God Bless! Have a great "taming of the tongue" week!
This week we picked up our According to Jim series in James chapter 3. This is a very familiar passage for anyone who has read James more than once - the bit in the horse's mouth, the rudder of the ship, the spark that sets a forest on fire. All of these are great illustrations that James uses to help us understand the need for each of us to tame our tongue.
But I think the most impacting part of this weekend's message for me comes in verses 11 and 12. Here we learn that our tongue reveals who we really are. Oh, we can pretend for awhile, but sooner or later our tongue will portray what is really in our hearts. So may we be about submitting our hearts daily to the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us and transform our tongues. My prayer this week will be focused on asking God to reveal my heart to me so I might grow into a more accurate picture of Jesus.
How did this weekend's message affect you? What are you reflecting on? Feel free to share it with me in the blog below.