Monday, September 28, 2009

Reflections: September 27, 2009

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

In scripture we are called over and over again to be faithful. Faithful in our marriages, faithful in our work, faithful with our finances. In Colossians it speaks of doing everything as if we are doing it for the Lord. How does that work itself out in your life, and possibly change your perspective on ways that you need to be faithful as if you were doing it for the Lord? Share with us!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Reflections: September 20, 2009

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor

So here I am, speaking about joy in the three services on Sunday, and I look out at the church family and see people I know who haven't worked in nearly two years, people who are losing their homes because of the economy, people whose marriages are on the brink of disaster, people who live with the weight and uncertainty of cancer, and I think to myself, "It's a good thing our joy is not based on the circumstances of life."
But in light of all of this awareness of how difficult life is right now, preparing for this message was challenging for me. All week long I searched for the answer to the question, "Where does joy come from?" I know it is not based on my circumstances, but where does it come from?
For those of you who were in the service, what did you think of my attempt to bring to the conversation some things to consider? How did Zephaniah 3:17 impact your thoughts about God? How have you experienced the Holy Spirit produce joy in relationships? Let's talk.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Reflections: September 13, 2009

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

I am really excited about this Get Gorgeous series. I think it is going to help all of us have a better understanding of the powerful fruit that God desires to produce in all of us, and the massive impact that will have on our lives. I believe people in our church are going to be empowered with the understanding that life is not just about what is on the outside, but that there is so much more that Christ wants to develop in all of us that starts on the inside.

For those of you who were here on Sunday, thank you for casting your vote and being a part of the direction that this series is going to take. It was a lot of fun tallying up the results and seeing what fruit people felt was most lacking in their lives. As I said on Sunday, next week we will start with fruit #5 and work our way up to the #1 most lacking fruit of the Spirit (according to the voting). But if you want to know the results of the
voting, you are going to have to come each week because we are not going to share them before the teaching is revealed each week. Ha Ha!

You also had a challenge thrown at you, so have you memorized the 9 fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5 yet? I know that the verses that I have committed to memory have always played a huge role in how I am able to live in the truth of what God says about who I am, and who He wants to be in and through me. As we go through each day bombarded by the images and messages that say we are not good enough, or that the only stuff that really matters is the external stuff, it is important that we remember what God says He wants to produce in us. Have a great week reading through Galatians 5 and begin now asking God to produce the fruit of His Spirit in your life. See ya next week...Gorgeous

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Reflections: September 6, 2009

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor, and Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

On this Labor Day weekend, the LBF church family came together to look ahead to the fall of 2009. As we come back to church this fall the focus will be on two main fronts. The first is to make a commitment to grow spiritually - to learn. And the second is to put your faith into action. Church is about much more than simply filling a seat on a Sunday morning. Church is a place to grow spiritually, a place of action from which we express our faith through service to one another and to reaching out into our community with others.
For those who attended this past Sunday, what was the most meaningful part of the morning? Was it learning about the different ministries planned for this fall? Was it the time of prayer for those in serious financial need? Was it the opportunity to put your faith in action by giving to the financial needs of those in our church? Was it the worship through music? Was it that unplanned but meaningful conversation you had with a fellow LBF member? Or maybe it was simply that cup of coffee you enjoyed after the service?
We'd love to know how this morning, which was so different from our usual service, impacted your life. Share with us on the blog by clicking on the link below.