Regardless of the vehicle that is used to communicate truth, the truth is the focus, and the truth is never changing. Our prayer here at LBF is that through scripture and through relationships, people will come to the truth and understanding that they have a loving creator who has made them for a purpose, and has called us to a life of being a light and servants in the name of Jesus.
This weekend you heard a lot about the U.R.U. seminars (which stands for U R Unique), which is precisely what we will be discovering as we go through Spiritual Gifts and the StrengthsFinder inventories. We would love to have everyone be part of these seminars, not just so we can fill a room, but because we believe that as people discover how special and unique God has made them, they will also realize how special and unique the call on their life is.
For more info about U.R.U. or any of the other ministries that you saw featured in this weekend's service, have a look around our website and then let us know how we can get you connected.