Monday, August 30, 2010

Reflections: Back-To-Church Weekend! August 29, 2010

This week’s “Reflection” by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

Well...That was different! (To see what was so different, you can view the service on our Resources page.)

Regardless of the vehicle that is used to communicate truth, the truth is the focus, and the truth is never changing. Our prayer here at LBF is that through scripture and through relationships, people will come to the truth and understanding that they have a loving creator who has made them for a purpose, and has called us to a life of being a light and servants in the name of Jesus.

This weekend you heard a lot about the U.R.U. seminars (which stands for U R Unique), which is precisely what we will be discovering as we go through Spiritual Gifts and the StrengthsFinder inventories. We would love to have everyone be part of these seminars, not just so we can fill a room, but because we believe that as people discover how special and unique God has made them, they will also realize how special and unique the call on their life is.

For more info about U.R.U. or any of the other ministries that you saw featured in this weekend's service, have a look around our website and then let us know how we can get you connected.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Back to Church!

3...2...1... Rolling... Action!! Ladies and gentlemen welcome to "Back To Church Weekend!" Get ready for a fun-filled, Christ-centered weekend service that will motivate, encourage, and challenge every heart.

This weekend our message presentation will look a bit different as we take a look at several lives within our church that have been impacted by God, and who have in turn chosen to serve the body of Christ. We will hear from children's ministers, youth volunteers, Men's and Women's leadership, and so much more. There will be times of passionate worship through music, and videos that touch the heart. This weekend will be a challenge to every person who calls themselves a follower of Christ to step up and "Be The Church."

You do not want to miss this weekend, and it will be a perfect time to invite a friend to see what our church is all about.

See ya Sunday,

Monday, August 23, 2010

Reflections: August 22, 2010

Road Trip
This week’s “Reflection” by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor

The Three City Tour
Acts 17

On Sunday as we studied this passage, it was clear that Paul is convinced in the power of the gospel to change lives. It is also clear that he is ready and prepared to share the gospel in a variety of settings and to people who have a variety of different beliefs.

As you consider sharing about Jesus to other people, what is it that stops you? What hinders you from being bold? Several things I thought of might include being afraid of being made fun of, not knowing what to say, being called a "Jesus freak," or maybe even what you believe others think of Christians today (let’s face it - some pretty embarrassing things have been done and said lately in the name of Jesus)?

I think it is important for us to talk about these things and work out ways to change. Why? Because the very eternal lives of people are at stake. What do you think?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Ever Dreamed of Going on Tour?

Road Trip
The Three City Tour
Acts 17
Have you ever dreamed of going on tour? Have you been intrigued as you watched famous people tour the world with their music? For some, going on tour seems like a glamorous way to live – everyone taking care of your every need, visiting a new city every night, seeing new people, seeing new sites – all of that can sound pretty inviting, but is it?
Well this week as we look into Acts 17, we get to see the experience of Paul on a three city tour. As we look at his experience we can learn so much about how he presents the gospel to three different cites in three different ways and receives three different reactions. And while we are “on tour” with Paul, we will learn how we can be ready to present the gospel in our own city.
By the way, let me encourage you to give serious consideration to attending the U.R.U. Seminars – this will be a great time to help you see how God has gifted and made you.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Gary Keith

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reflections: August 15, 2010

Road TripThis week’s “Reflection” by Matt Sasso, Pastor of Student Ministries

As I think about this weekend and this week’s text, I want to encourage you again to reflect on Paul’s passion for the gospel. Although it was not the place that Paul had originally set to, this portion of the road trip that we looked at showed how far Paul was willing to go to help people know what Jesus did for them. After Paul left that city, there were two households changed by the gospel that would eventually become the church of Philippi. He then would write one of his most personal letters to them. This week I want to encourage you to think about how God is directing you and how you might share to the good news of Jesus with those that God puts in front of you.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Crossroads, Roadblocks & Moving Violations

Road Trip
Those of you that have ever been on a road trip know that they can be filled with a number of possibilities and this week's passage demonstrates what can happened as the road trip continues. From crossroads to roadblocks, and even some moving violations, the book of Acts reveals what life is like as we head out on the road to take Jesus to a world that so desperately needs Him.

As we continue our series, we will be looking at Acts 15:36-6:40. I can promise you it is a text full of some important lessons. These lessons are not only things that Paul and Barnabas faced, but some important lessons that we must learn as well if we want to see the message of Christ continuing in our community today.

This Sunday our youth ministry will lead the services. We are excited to join you this weekend in worship and in message. We look forward to seeing you there.

God Bless,

Matt Sasso

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reflections: August 8, 2010

Road TripThis week’s “Reflection” by Jason Gaudy, Elder

When I think about how many things could've derailed early Christianity, adding to the gospel seems like the most dangerous possible thing that could've happened. Finally, we had been set free and immediately people began to try to help God along. Immediately we began to fill in the blank. Jesus +_____________ . What have you filled in the blank with? Whatever it is, by adding legalistic requirements to the gospel, we lose it all together. It seems that it is part of our nature to not truly understand the concept of grace.

As we share with others through our words and our lives, how Jesus saved us and taught us how to live, may we all remember to give them the gospel of freedom and life not of ritual and tradition. The conditional gospel of Jesus +_________ is no gospel at all. May we prefer God's truth over prestige and personal preference. May the good works that we do be as a result of the joy and gratitude we have from our salvation not out of guilt or shame or obligation.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This Weekend's Message: U-Turns

Road Trip
Don’t you just love controversy? I mean, there is nothing I like more than spending my days confronting controversial issues. Nothing like a good conflict to really unite people, right? I’m guessing most of you couldn’t disagree more with that. I know I do. This week we’ll be studying the 15th chapter of Acts and we’ll see how a controversy over circumcision of all things caused division among early believers and risked splitting the church up entirely. We’ll look at how difficult it can be to stand up for truth and how dangerous it can be if we refuse to. I encourage you to read through the chapter in the next few days and look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Jason Gaudy

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reflections: August 1, 2010

Road Trip
This week’s “Reflection” by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

The Lord has really been speaking to me a lot since Sunday about the call to reach all people with the message and love of Christ. I certainly have a lot of room to grow in making concerted efforts, outside the ministry context, to reach out to people, but God has been faithful even this week to give me opportunities.

My new neighbor, who I have only spoken to briefly, was outside doing his yard work and I was on my way out to the car to go somewhere. This is usually the point where I am so busy or rushed that I hop in the car and zoom off. But this time I was distinctly urged in my heart to stop what I was doing and go talk to him. During our conversation he was really open about how he and his wife are doing as they expect their first baby in September. He talked about some of their fears and anxiety, and I was able to really relate with much of the stuff as Laura and I had experienced many of the same things. I was able to share with him about how prayer through our pregnancies was a big part and offered to pray for he and his wife. He was surprised and even commented that it was a relief that he has a “nice neighbor.” I hope I can keep that up! :)

I share that story as an “if I can do it you can do it” type of encouragement, the way we see the passages about Paul and Barnabas’ journey and their perseverance to share the gospel even through the breakdowns in Acts 14.

Have you had any opportunities to share the love of Christ with anyone lately that you could share here with us as an encouragement? We’d love to hear has God is speaking to your heart, and how you are being used in the lives of people.

Have a great week, even if there are “breakdowns”.