Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Road Trip
Living Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Acts 22:24-23:35

There are times in our lives when we face a decision. We struggle making this decision because neither choice feels right or maybe our choice will make someone angry or maybe either choice will bring us pain. But we still need to make a decision. What do you do when you are between a rock and a hard place? How do you make a decision where there is no good solution?
This week as we continue our road trip we will see that Paul finds himself between a rock and a hard place. The story is riveting and one that we can learn from as we face our rock and hard place decision. Do you want to build a spiritual legacy that will last? It’s often in the times that we feel like we’re between a rock and a hard place that God does wonderful things. I hope to see you Sunday as we journey together learning from Paul during his rock and hard place moment.
Pastor Gary

Monday, September 27, 2010

Reflections: September 26, 2010

Road Trip
This week’s “Reflection” by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

"Take up your cross DAILY and follow me." This is what it means to be a Christian. A life surrendered to Christ at a level that does not put us beyond making mistakes and still blowing it, but where we are willing to continue to lay it all down, make the sacrifice of our own "rights" and desires, and allow what Christ calls us to, to trump all else.

Right now I am really asking God to do surgery on my heart and take out the disease of a judgmental attitude. With strangers, friends, my wife, and my kids I need God's help to show the grace and love that He desires from me.

I want to encourage all of you to join me in asking God to invade our lives at such a deep level, it goes beyond feeling guilty for a few minutes after a Sunday sermon and actually changes our behaviors, our lifestyle, and helps us become the people that God designed us to be.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Loving Jesus to Death

Road Trip
"What would you do for a Klondike Bar?" We have seen people dress like a chicken, dance like a penguin, and do all sorts of other crazy things for some ice cream covered in chocolate. On the TV show "Wipeout" we see people get beat to a pulp for the chance at $50,000. And a common phrase in our culture is "I would do anything for...". So, what would you be willing to do for Jesus?

Jesus said that anyone who wants to be identified with Him, must take up their cross (die to themselves) and follow Him. This week as we continue on into Acts 21 and 22 we are going to see that Paul is willing to do just that, in a very literal way. We will look at what it means to take up our 21st century cross, and the cost of being a Christ follower.

See ya Sunday,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Reflections: September 19, 2010

Road Trip
This week’s “Reflection” by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor

Living Life to the Fullest
Acts 20:13-38

This passage explores Paul’s thoughts about what it meant for him to live his life to the fullest. For Paul this meant having a heart to serve God, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, keeping his focus on eternal things, and passing the faith on to others, including the next generation. I’m sure this kept him from experiencing a mid-life crisis.

Even though I’m now a pastor of a church, that was something I hadn’t even considered until I was 30 years old. My life experience at that time included going to college, serving in the military, and pursuing a totally different career path. I had been searching for a life purpose since my mother was tragically killed. I wanted to know if this thing called Christianity had any meaning beyond going to church on Sunday. After a few years of seeking God, I realized that I wanted my life to count for eternal things. For me this meant joining the staff of LBF. And so, preparing for this message, I reflected on these past 29 years here at LBF and I’m grateful for the opportunity to see God change my life and the lives of others.

As you consider your life, what is it that gives you meaning and purpose? Does it have anything to do with what brought meaning to Paul’s life? What is it that helps you know you are living your life to the fullest? I’d love to hear from you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This Weekend's Message: How Do We Live Life to the Fullest?

Road Trip
Living Life to the Fullest
Acts 20:13-38

I have known people who experienced a mid-life crisis when they hit their forties. These people look back on their life so far and for whatever reason, feel like life is not what they had hoped it would be. Maybe they haven’t accomplished what they had hoped to accomplish. Maybe they are in a job they hate. Maybe their marriage is not going the way they had hoped. Or maybe life in general is just not happening as they had dreamed it would, and so they experience this mid-life crisis. Sometimes what people do during a mid-life crisis can be humorous, like buying a sports car and changing the way they dress. But sometimes this mid-life crisis can result in serious discouragement or even depression.

How do we live life to the fullest? That is the question we will explore this Sunday as we continue our Road Trip with Paul. If you want to get a head start, be sure to read the entire passage, but especially verse 24. How do we live life to the fullest? Let’s look at Paul’s example and learn some important ways to do just that.

Pastor Gary

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reflections: September 12, 2010

Road TripThis week’s “Reflection” by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

As I think more and more on this idea of receiving all that God has for us, I am struck by the mere idea that the God of the universe has something for US! Our God tells us to come before Him being full of confidence. Our God tells us to make our prayers and needs known to Him. Our God tells us that if we will humble ourselves, He will hear our prayers. And our God, of His own will, is offering us the opportunity to be so filled with the Holy Spirit that we will be given Spiritual Gifts, authority over demonic forces, and life to the fullest! All of that sounds so much better than just attending a church service and calling myself a Christian.

This week I want to encourage you to go before God in a very real and humble way, and ask Him to reveal to you what in your heart and life is hindering any ability to receive all that He has for you. God is not about performance, and we must understand that our salvation and these gifts from God are not based on us earning or deserving them, but many times we put those limitations on God. We settle for the temporal, or what we feel like we deserve, or what we think God can do in us or through us, when scripture tells us that God is ready to do so much more if we would just surrender and allow Him to.

For each of us it will be different. For some it will be dealing with addiction. For others it will require healing from abuse.  Some may need to pray for an extra measure of faith. Whatever it is in your life that holds you back from Him, or causes you to settle for less than all that He has for you, God is there, ready to touch you and bring you the life that He promised through Jesus Christ.

May God bless you as you seek Him, and may you come alive with the life found in His Holy Spirit.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Have You Ever Settled?

Road Trip
Have you ever "settled?" You know, accepted something less even though there was better to be had? Some "settle" relationally. Some "settle" vocationally. Some even "settle" spiritually. Jesus said that He came so that we can have life to the fullest, but so often we settle for so much less.

This weekend as we continue our Road Trip into Ephesus in Acts chapter 19, we will see Paul address issues of settling for less, false gods, and the power of Jesus' name. We will also see his relentless commitment to continue spreading the good news of the gospel on this third missionary journey until the whole world hears.

See Ya Sunday,

Monday, September 6, 2010

Reflections: September 5, 2010

Road TripThis week’s “Reflection” by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor

Feel Like Quitting?
Acts 18

We learned this week that even the bold and confident Apostle Paul experienced discouragement and even depression as he entered the city of Corinth. Today more than 17 million Americans have been diagnosed with serious depression and there are countless others who live daily in a haze of disillusionment. The Christian community is not immune – Christians also experience discouragement and depression.

Acts 18 reveals to us how God provided for Paul during his time of weakness. If you live with or deal with depression, how does your Christian life become a place of hope? How have you seen God provide for you during times of discouragement? Let’s talk and help one another out. God helped Paul by providing friends, by providing for his physical needs, and by speaking encouraging words. Have you seen God do this for you? Did it help? 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Feel Like Quitting?

Road Trip
Feel Like Quitting?
Acts 18
If you’re like most people, there have been times in your life when you have felt like quitting. Maybe it was just too hard or maybe it was just taking too long or maybe it just became too discouraging. Whatever the reason, I think most of us have felt like quitting. Here’s the good news: you’re not alone because even Paul the apostle, the man who wrote (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) much of the New Testament, felt like quitting.
This week in Acts 18 we see Paul enter the city of Corinth a discouraged man. But we will also see how God provided a cure for Paul’s’ discouragement and learn how He provides for us as well.
See ya Sunday!
Pastor Gary