Wednesday, October 31, 2012
This Weekend's Message: The Final Election
In less than a week people all over our nation will be going to the polls to vote. Those that actually make it to the polls (probably less than 50% of eligible voters) will vote for the men and women they want to lead our nation, our states, and our cities. For many this is an election like none other. Pundits have told us that the future direction of our nation is going to be dictated by who wins. Many are placing their hope for the future in this election. For those who see their candidates win, they will think their hope has been realized and all is well with the world. And for those who vote for the losing candidate, they will feel like their hope has been dashed. They will believe there is much to feel anxious and concerned about.
But the truth is that all people who put their hope in this election will be disappointed. Why? Because there is only one ultimate hope for humanity and it is not found in this election. Come this week as we explore "The Final Election” and how we can be hopeful no matter who wins the election on Tuesday.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
By Matt Sasso, Pastor
of Student Ministries
Grace – it is what we want most in the presence of guilt, yet it is the very thing we are reluctant to give when we see the guilt of others. When we are on the receiving end we are grateful, but when we are the ones extending we struggle to show it to others. Understanding the meaning of grace and how to not only receive but also how to give it to others is the tension that we all feel. But we can never understand the meaning of grace without the presence of God’s grace in our own lives.
As we read the Bible we understand that grace is something that can’t be earned. To say that someone deserves it is a contradiction, yet it is often a thought that people have. Therefore the true meaning of grace cannot be understood unless we first understand that it is underserved, unearned, and unmerited. It is simply a gift.
This month in Exit 83, we will be talking with students to help them gain a deep sense of appreciation of God’s grace in their lives and also a clear understanding of how to live a life defined by grace. We will challenge students to see that they are in need of grace so that they understand the meaning of grace and how to give it to others.
We hope that your student’s faith will grow as they learn to passionately pursue life in Christ.
Grace – it is what we want most in the presence of guilt, yet it is the very thing we are reluctant to give when we see the guilt of others. When we are on the receiving end we are grateful, but when we are the ones extending we struggle to show it to others. Understanding the meaning of grace and how to not only receive but also how to give it to others is the tension that we all feel. But we can never understand the meaning of grace without the presence of God’s grace in our own lives.
As we read the Bible we understand that grace is something that can’t be earned. To say that someone deserves it is a contradiction, yet it is often a thought that people have. Therefore the true meaning of grace cannot be understood unless we first understand that it is underserved, unearned, and unmerited. It is simply a gift.
This month in Exit 83, we will be talking with students to help them gain a deep sense of appreciation of God’s grace in their lives and also a clear understanding of how to live a life defined by grace. We will challenge students to see that they are in need of grace so that they understand the meaning of grace and how to give it to others.
We hope that your student’s faith will grow as they learn to passionately pursue life in Christ.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
We still need 15 volunteers to help at Harvest Party
We still have 15 open spots for volunteers to help make Harvest Party a smashing success! Sign up now!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
This Weekend's Message: Is God Green?
What is our responsibility when it comes to taking care of the earth? Are the planets resources ours for the taking, or do they need to be conserved? The answer doesn't just relate to climate change or endangered species. The biblical answer relates to the very foundation of your purpose here on this earth.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
A Theology of Technology
By Matt Sasso, Pastor of Student Ministries
It should come as no surprise that teenagers love technology, especially their mobile phones. Today’s teenagers have their phone when they wake up, fall asleep, between classes, and at family dinners. It is the one thing they always seem to have.
A recent article in the Washington Post stated, “Teens between age 13 and 17 are among the fastest adopters of smartphones.” Today’s teenagers have right now the most accessibility in the palm of their hand than any previous generation. Right now there is instant access to more entertainment than every before.
Living in the world of teenagers, I have witnessed the need to help them learn the principle of stewardship. When we think of the word stewardship we often think of money or time, but in response to what I have been reading about teenagers and their use of technology, it is imperative that they learn to steward their use of technology.

A recent article in the Washington Post stated, “Teens between age 13 and 17 are among the fastest adopters of smartphones.” Today’s teenagers have right now the most accessibility in the palm of their hand than any previous generation. Right now there is instant access to more entertainment than every before.
Living in the world of teenagers, I have witnessed the need to help them learn the principle of stewardship. When we think of the word stewardship we often think of money or time, but in response to what I have been reading about teenagers and their use of technology, it is imperative that they learn to steward their use of technology.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Reaching Out: LBF Global
Update on Missions
By Carol Hawkins, Missions CoordinatorSeveral months ago I wrote about two of our missionary families who are serving in different countries and translating the Scriptures. Scott and Tonia Berthiaume live in San Luis Potosi, which is in southern Mexico. They are translating the scriptures into the Pame language.
Leigh and Barbara Labrecque live in Vanuatu, an island chain in the South Pacific, and they are translating scriptures into two languages, Southeast Ambrym and Paama.
Right now both of these couples are facing difficult trials and are in need of our prayer support.

The life of a missionary is stressful. Living in a different culture with language barriers and being a “foreigner” adds a whole new dimension when facing serious trials. These two families are bringing God’s word to these different people groups, and the fact that they are both facing such serious trials reminds me that we’re in a spiritual battle. Let’s partner together with them and lift them up in prayer. And, even in the midst of these trials, both couples have shared about the amazing translation work that is going forward. Within a few years, God’s word will be in the hands of these people for the very first time. That is such exciting news!
Pete & Mary Q: Also remember to pray for Pete, serving in Asia for over 30 years. As you will remember, Pete and Mary were with us this summer, and it was wonderful to connect with them. About four years ago he was diagnosed with lymphoma, and he currently needs to travel to Bangkok from northern Thailand every two months or so to receive treatment. He continues serving even with this illness. Please keep him in prayer.
Your financial support to LBF enables all the work that our missionaries do to progress, and your prayers help to give strength and comfort in the spiritual realm. God bless you as you faithfully encourage these families. You’re impacting lives for eternity!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
This Weekend's Message: Abortion: Valuing Life or Valuing Choice?
Abortion is one of the most hotly contested issues of our time. Even the framework of the debate is contested. Is it pro-choice vs. anti-choice? Is it pro-life vs. pro-abortion? In the ultimate meanings, I think just about everyone wants to be both “pro-life” and “pro-choice.” We all want to value life, and at the same time we all want to value individual human freedom.
Is the abortion issue truly a clash between life and choice? If so, what wins out?
And, perhaps most significantly, it is the oft-stated claim true that the Bible is silent on this issue?
These are some of the questions we will explore this Sunday. Come with a heart prepared to listen, to think, and to respond to God’s heart.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Christmas-loving Singing Kids Wanted
By Laurie Baiz, Director of Children’s Ministry
Do you have children that love Christmas? Do you have children that love to sing? How about children that love both? We are looking for those kids! This year we will have a Children’s Christmas Choir joining the adult Christmas Choir to help worship God through these wonderful songs.
Starting Sunday, November 4, after the 11:11 a.m. service, we will have rehearsal with the kids. For six Sundays we will meet for about an hour and a half to practice the songs and get them ready to sing for our congregation. The kids will perform on Sunday, December 16 and Sunday, December 23 with the adult Christmas Choir.
There will be a sign up sheet on the elementary side of the Worship Center for kids who want to participate in the choir, and this requires a parent signature. I am looking forward to hearing all of the children sing and worship during this special season! If you have any questions, please contact me @ (909) 981-4848, ext. 242 or
Do you have children that love Christmas? Do you have children that love to sing? How about children that love both? We are looking for those kids! This year we will have a Children’s Christmas Choir joining the adult Christmas Choir to help worship God through these wonderful songs.
Starting Sunday, November 4, after the 11:11 a.m. service, we will have rehearsal with the kids. For six Sundays we will meet for about an hour and a half to practice the songs and get them ready to sing for our congregation. The kids will perform on Sunday, December 16 and Sunday, December 23 with the adult Christmas Choir.
There will be a sign up sheet on the elementary side of the Worship Center for kids who want to participate in the choir, and this requires a parent signature. I am looking forward to hearing all of the children sing and worship during this special season! If you have any questions, please contact me @ (909) 981-4848, ext. 242 or
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Worship Island Explores the Who, What, When, Where & Why
By Amanda Bixler, Worship Services Coordinator
Exciting things have been happening in our Children’s Ministry this fall! We now have about six weeks under our belts of having the weekly live worship band lead our elementary school kids in musical worship. And we’re about a month in to our Bible memorization program. It has been such an exciting and encouraging time for our adult leaders to hear the kids singing along with worship songs, expressing interest in going deeper with God, and reciting all of the verses they have memorized – what a strong foundation this is setting for our kids!
Here are some of the main things we have been focusing on in our worship through music times:
What is worship? Worship is anything that gives praise to God. It is our response to God for who He is and what He has done. Worship is not just confined to Sunday mornings in our classes, but can reach every aspect of our lives.
Who do we worship? We worship God – the Creator of the universe, the Son who died for our sins, and the Spirit who is alive and moving among us. However, if we are not careful, it is easy to put our needs, wants, and feelings above focusing on God in worship.
Where do we worship? Most people will divide worship into two categories: community and individual. Communal worship is what happens on Sunday mornings, at midweek Bible studies, during prayer meetings, and any other time a group gathers in the name of God. Individual worship is what happens in our personal time with God, when we reach out to a homeless person, or share God’s love with our classmates, just to name a few examples.
When do we worship? If we embrace the belief that worship is our response to God for who He is and what He has done, then worship can happen anywhere and at any time. This emphasizes the fact that worship is not just contained to what happens in our classrooms on Sunday mornings.
How do we worship? One of the things I love discussing when we talk about worship is that the “how” varies so much from person to person and you can be creative about it! Do you love to sing and dance? Then dance as David danced in the name of the Lord! Do you love to paint or draw? Then paint a picture of what God means to you! Do you enjoy writing stories or poems? Than write a poem of gratitude for what Jesus has done for you!
Why do we worship? The main reason we worship is an overflow of what God has given us. It also reminds us of our place in the kingdom – that God is the ultimate good and therefore, we do not have to be afraid or worry because He is in control.
Another key component to our Sunday classes has been the Bible memorization program that we launched at the end of August. It has been amazing to see the students come in every week excited to share the verses that they have memorized. We also have a fun song to go with the verses and to help in the memorization process (some of you parents may hear your kids sing it – it’s very repetitive!). As you can see, we have been energized by what God has already done in Worship Island this fall and pray that God will continue to stir in the hearts of our elementary school students. Make sure and get your kids signed in each Sunday on time so they don’t miss out on any of the exciting things happening in Worship Island!
If you would like more information about all that is happening or to get involved with this ministry, please contact me at We are still looking for musicians and computer operators, so if you are musical or tech-savvy, we need you!
Exciting things have been happening in our Children’s Ministry this fall! We now have about six weeks under our belts of having the weekly live worship band lead our elementary school kids in musical worship. And we’re about a month in to our Bible memorization program. It has been such an exciting and encouraging time for our adult leaders to hear the kids singing along with worship songs, expressing interest in going deeper with God, and reciting all of the verses they have memorized – what a strong foundation this is setting for our kids!
Here are some of the main things we have been focusing on in our worship through music times:
What is worship? Worship is anything that gives praise to God. It is our response to God for who He is and what He has done. Worship is not just confined to Sunday mornings in our classes, but can reach every aspect of our lives.
Who do we worship? We worship God – the Creator of the universe, the Son who died for our sins, and the Spirit who is alive and moving among us. However, if we are not careful, it is easy to put our needs, wants, and feelings above focusing on God in worship.
Where do we worship? Most people will divide worship into two categories: community and individual. Communal worship is what happens on Sunday mornings, at midweek Bible studies, during prayer meetings, and any other time a group gathers in the name of God. Individual worship is what happens in our personal time with God, when we reach out to a homeless person, or share God’s love with our classmates, just to name a few examples.
When do we worship? If we embrace the belief that worship is our response to God for who He is and what He has done, then worship can happen anywhere and at any time. This emphasizes the fact that worship is not just contained to what happens in our classrooms on Sunday mornings.
How do we worship? One of the things I love discussing when we talk about worship is that the “how” varies so much from person to person and you can be creative about it! Do you love to sing and dance? Then dance as David danced in the name of the Lord! Do you love to paint or draw? Then paint a picture of what God means to you! Do you enjoy writing stories or poems? Than write a poem of gratitude for what Jesus has done for you!
Why do we worship? The main reason we worship is an overflow of what God has given us. It also reminds us of our place in the kingdom – that God is the ultimate good and therefore, we do not have to be afraid or worry because He is in control.
Another key component to our Sunday classes has been the Bible memorization program that we launched at the end of August. It has been amazing to see the students come in every week excited to share the verses that they have memorized. We also have a fun song to go with the verses and to help in the memorization process (some of you parents may hear your kids sing it – it’s very repetitive!). As you can see, we have been energized by what God has already done in Worship Island this fall and pray that God will continue to stir in the hearts of our elementary school students. Make sure and get your kids signed in each Sunday on time so they don’t miss out on any of the exciting things happening in Worship Island!
If you would like more information about all that is happening or to get involved with this ministry, please contact me at We are still looking for musicians and computer operators, so if you are musical or tech-savvy, we need you!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
This Weekend's Message: Immigration: Good Fences?
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Many of us know that the words above are at the foot of the Statue of Liberty. The United States is often called a nation of immigrants. At the same time, the question of immigration, and specifically illegal immigration, is a hot political topic.
What should drive our attitude on the issue of immigration? Should it be fear and a desire for protection? Should it be a desire for fairness? Should it be compassion and sympathy? What has your attitude been, and how does the gospel of Jesus impact how you should view not only the issue, but the immigrants themselves?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Now Accepting Volunteer Sign-ups and Donated Candy for Harvest Party
By Laurie Baiz, Director of Children’s Ministry
Fall is here and we are gearing up for our annual Harvest Party! This year the Harvest Party is Wednesday, October 31, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Through the end of October, you will see large red plastic containers marked “Harvest Party Candy” at the entrances of the Worship Center. You can bring your bags of wrapped candy to church and place them in these red plastic containers any time on Sundays.
Last year, thanks to all the LBF families that contributed candy, we had more than enough candy prizes for all the games! If every family were to bring two or three bags of candy each, there would once again be plenty. Thank you for helping make our Harvest Party a huge success this year by participating in this way.
Also, consider getting involved in a more hands-on way! Right now you can sign up online to volunteer to run a game the night of the Harvest Party. Visit to sign up for inside or outside games, the Kidz Zone, Welcome Table, and more! We need you to make this event successful. Sign up for one or both shifts: 5-7 p.m. or 7-9 p.m. Sign ups will continue throughout the month of October.
This is our party and our gift to the community. Thank you for signing up early so that the party can happen as planned. If you have any questions, please call me @ (909) 981-4848, ext. 242 or email me.
Fall is here and we are gearing up for our annual Harvest Party! This year the Harvest Party is Wednesday, October 31, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Through the end of October, you will see large red plastic containers marked “Harvest Party Candy” at the entrances of the Worship Center. You can bring your bags of wrapped candy to church and place them in these red plastic containers any time on Sundays.
Last year, thanks to all the LBF families that contributed candy, we had more than enough candy prizes for all the games! If every family were to bring two or three bags of candy each, there would once again be plenty. Thank you for helping make our Harvest Party a huge success this year by participating in this way.
Also, consider getting involved in a more hands-on way! Right now you can sign up online to volunteer to run a game the night of the Harvest Party. Visit to sign up for inside or outside games, the Kidz Zone, Welcome Table, and more! We need you to make this event successful. Sign up for one or both shifts: 5-7 p.m. or 7-9 p.m. Sign ups will continue throughout the month of October.
This is our party and our gift to the community. Thank you for signing up early so that the party can happen as planned. If you have any questions, please call me @ (909) 981-4848, ext. 242 or email me.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
This Weekend's Message: Jesus Had a Poor Response. Do You?
You’re pulling off the freeway and come to a stop just behind the crosswalk and on the inside lane. Then it happens... As you casually look around to take in your surroundings you inadvertently make eye contact. It is just for a split second, but it was long enough to communicate, “Hey, come on over.” Suddenly a homeless man is standing by your car looking in your window. It is a moment of decision; “Should I give him money? Will he use it for drugs? Would it be better to go to a restaurant and get him food? What bad choices led him to this situation? Does he deserve my help?”
This and situations like this can create quite a dilemma. While there is something that causes us to feel like we need to help, there is also this social skepticism that can cause us to second guess that decision. This weekend we are going to talk about the issue of the poor, see what kind of “poor response” Jesus had, and discuss what we can learn from a biblical perspective on this issue. As we talk about this you may find yourself uncomfortable and challenged, but hopefully open to how God will lead us in our response to those in need.
I guarantee this will be the poorest message you will ever hear, full of poor examples and poor storytelling. But in the end, I hope the Holy Spirit generates a poor response in your life.
See ya Sunday,
Politics and the Kingdom of God
By Dan Franklin, Pastor of Teaching
Whenever politics come up in a Christian context, a discussion of the kingdom of God is sure to follow. Is it the job of Christians to usher in the kingdom of God? Is the United States somehow related to the kingdom of God? If we’re citizens of the kingdom of God, does this mean that we shy away from our citizenship of the United States?
Since a discussion of the kingdom of God normally follows a discussion on politics, we are going to follow this trend at Life Bible Fellowship Church. This fall finds us in a series called American Christian or Christian American?, a series dealing with a Christian perspective on politics and political issues. So, on Sunday, October 21 we are going to dig deep into the topic of the kingdom of God.

If you were at Mission & Vision Sunday on August 26, you may remember me mentioning that Phil Shahbaz and I are launching a new semi-regular event. About six times over this next year we will host a Sunday night event called Deeper. The purpose of the event is to dive deeper into biblical truths than we are able to do in an hour-long church service or small group setting. The event will involve two hours of deep Bible teaching and also a Q&A time. The topic for our first Deeper event, on Sunday, October 21, will be “The Kingdom of God.” All are welcome (and we hope all will come). It will be a significant time for all of us who want to know God and his Word more deeply.
As a preview of the event, here are three things to know about the kingdom of God:
1. The kingdom has come, and the kingdom will come.
Upon his arrival on earth, Jesus proclaimed the arrival of the kingdom of God. At one point he even said that the kingdom “is in your midst.” It was present, and it is present. At the same time, the Bible talks about the kingdom of God as a future reality for which all believers hope. We are even called to pray for God’s kingdom to come. This is what many theologians call the “Already” and “Not Yet” aspects of the kingdom of God. It is here in one sense, but its full manifestation is still to come.
2. No amount of moral or political reform will usher in the kingdom of God.
Believers are never called to usher in God’s kingdom. In fact, we are not even called to “build” God’s kingdom (despite the fact that this has become normal Christian terminology). Only Jesus will usher in his kingdom. And it is not helpful to think of the kingdom as something that we build. It is better to think of ourselves as ambassadors of the kingdom, announcing its arrival, spreading its impact, and putting it on display. The kingdom is sure to come. Nothing can stop what Jesus will do. Efforts by believers to influence moral and political reform should be from a motivation to display Jesus’ kingdom values, not to usher in Jesus’ future kingdom.
3. The kingdom is glimpsed wherever Jesus is treated like the king.
The kingdom is present today inasmuch as believers display Jesus’ kingdom values. When we live in light of Jesus’ kingdom, we show what his kingdom looks like.
And it looks beautiful. The true God is worshiped and adored. People are treated with dignity and honor. Peace and joy abound. When Jesus is king, there is joy for everyone.
When he returns, we will experience this to the fullest. Until then, we are invited to live in light of his already certain kingship. He has brought new life. Let’s live in it!
Deeper will take place on Sunday, October 21 at LBF, from 6-8 p.m.
Whenever politics come up in a Christian context, a discussion of the kingdom of God is sure to follow. Is it the job of Christians to usher in the kingdom of God? Is the United States somehow related to the kingdom of God? If we’re citizens of the kingdom of God, does this mean that we shy away from our citizenship of the United States?
Since a discussion of the kingdom of God normally follows a discussion on politics, we are going to follow this trend at Life Bible Fellowship Church. This fall finds us in a series called American Christian or Christian American?, a series dealing with a Christian perspective on politics and political issues. So, on Sunday, October 21 we are going to dig deep into the topic of the kingdom of God.

If you were at Mission & Vision Sunday on August 26, you may remember me mentioning that Phil Shahbaz and I are launching a new semi-regular event. About six times over this next year we will host a Sunday night event called Deeper. The purpose of the event is to dive deeper into biblical truths than we are able to do in an hour-long church service or small group setting. The event will involve two hours of deep Bible teaching and also a Q&A time. The topic for our first Deeper event, on Sunday, October 21, will be “The Kingdom of God.” All are welcome (and we hope all will come). It will be a significant time for all of us who want to know God and his Word more deeply.
As a preview of the event, here are three things to know about the kingdom of God:
1. The kingdom has come, and the kingdom will come.
Upon his arrival on earth, Jesus proclaimed the arrival of the kingdom of God. At one point he even said that the kingdom “is in your midst.” It was present, and it is present. At the same time, the Bible talks about the kingdom of God as a future reality for which all believers hope. We are even called to pray for God’s kingdom to come. This is what many theologians call the “Already” and “Not Yet” aspects of the kingdom of God. It is here in one sense, but its full manifestation is still to come.
2. No amount of moral or political reform will usher in the kingdom of God.
Believers are never called to usher in God’s kingdom. In fact, we are not even called to “build” God’s kingdom (despite the fact that this has become normal Christian terminology). Only Jesus will usher in his kingdom. And it is not helpful to think of the kingdom as something that we build. It is better to think of ourselves as ambassadors of the kingdom, announcing its arrival, spreading its impact, and putting it on display. The kingdom is sure to come. Nothing can stop what Jesus will do. Efforts by believers to influence moral and political reform should be from a motivation to display Jesus’ kingdom values, not to usher in Jesus’ future kingdom.
3. The kingdom is glimpsed wherever Jesus is treated like the king.
The kingdom is present today inasmuch as believers display Jesus’ kingdom values. When we live in light of Jesus’ kingdom, we show what his kingdom looks like.
And it looks beautiful. The true God is worshiped and adored. People are treated with dignity and honor. Peace and joy abound. When Jesus is king, there is joy for everyone.
When he returns, we will experience this to the fullest. Until then, we are invited to live in light of his already certain kingship. He has brought new life. Let’s live in it!
Deeper will take place on Sunday, October 21 at LBF, from 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Building Bridges Through Friendship
By Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration
A cooperative effort between Life Bible Fellowship Church and Assure Pregnancy Clinic (APC) has arisen where church members engage in intentional friendships with expectant mothers who have made the important life-giving choice to carry and parent their child. LBF desires to come alongside these mothers and support and encourage them. We can speak into their lives while at the same time, allowing God to stretch us as we serve our neighbors -putting love in action.
Here are some of the ministry’s objectives:
To help encourage expectant mothers in their decision to continue their pregnancy.
Church members are creating intentional friendships with APC’s clients; they are not counselors, teachers, or coaches. As a result, church members are not responsible for providing any pre-determined training or instruction to clients.
To help connect others to a local church community that will provide spiritual and emotional support during and after they complete the Bridges Parenting Support Program, offered by Assure Pregnancy Clinic.
Church members will make an intentional effort to connect clients to their local church by inviting them to attend services and church-related events, and keeping them updated on up-coming programs.
Church members will meet their new Bridges friend at an “event” located in the Bridges suite at Assure Pregnancy Clinic (9675 Monte Vista Ave in Montclair). This event will help to “break the ice” on our new friendships.
Church members are committed to staying active in the client’s life for a minimum of six months, and agree to host their new friend at one meeting/ gathering per month.
Church members will receive one-time orientation training by Assure Pregnancy Clinic, so they can embrace the values of Assure Pregnancy Clinic and understand the mission and philosophy that drives the Bridges Parenting Support Program.
Based on the recommendations of Bridges Mentors, this program will be offered to expectant mothers who have expressed an interest in extended care and support, and have regular attendance within the Bridges Parenting Support Program.
While participating in the Building Bridges through Friendship Program, clients will receive Baby Bucks that can be spent in the Bridges Baby Boutique.
If you’re interested in serving in this new ministry, or interested in learning more, please contact Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration at
A cooperative effort between Life Bible Fellowship Church and Assure Pregnancy Clinic (APC) has arisen where church members engage in intentional friendships with expectant mothers who have made the important life-giving choice to carry and parent their child. LBF desires to come alongside these mothers and support and encourage them. We can speak into their lives while at the same time, allowing God to stretch us as we serve our neighbors -putting love in action.
Here are some of the ministry’s objectives:
To help encourage expectant mothers in their decision to continue their pregnancy.
Church members are creating intentional friendships with APC’s clients; they are not counselors, teachers, or coaches. As a result, church members are not responsible for providing any pre-determined training or instruction to clients.
To help connect others to a local church community that will provide spiritual and emotional support during and after they complete the Bridges Parenting Support Program, offered by Assure Pregnancy Clinic.
Church members will make an intentional effort to connect clients to their local church by inviting them to attend services and church-related events, and keeping them updated on up-coming programs.
Church members will meet their new Bridges friend at an “event” located in the Bridges suite at Assure Pregnancy Clinic (9675 Monte Vista Ave in Montclair). This event will help to “break the ice” on our new friendships.
Church members are committed to staying active in the client’s life for a minimum of six months, and agree to host their new friend at one meeting/ gathering per month.
Church members will receive one-time orientation training by Assure Pregnancy Clinic, so they can embrace the values of Assure Pregnancy Clinic and understand the mission and philosophy that drives the Bridges Parenting Support Program.
Based on the recommendations of Bridges Mentors, this program will be offered to expectant mothers who have expressed an interest in extended care and support, and have regular attendance within the Bridges Parenting Support Program.
While participating in the Building Bridges through Friendship Program, clients will receive Baby Bucks that can be spent in the Bridges Baby Boutique.
If you’re interested in serving in this new ministry, or interested in learning more, please contact Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration at
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