By Lea Lee, LIFE Groups Coordinator
This month’s LIFE Group Spotlight – where we
highlight a specific LIFE Group at LBF and their leaders – is an interview with Leigh Marikian.
Names: Mike and
Leigh Marikian
Tell us about how you came to faith in Jesus Christ. Mike came to faith when he was 10 and
I found the Lord about seven years ago.
Tell us about your family. We have two young
daughters: Reya, who is 3, and Grace, who is 7 months. Mike’s parents, Joe and Dea, live within a couple miles of us and with whom we are very close.
Tell us about how you found LBF. I started going to LBF through Mom-to-Mom
when Reya was about 6 months old. And we started to attend Sunday
services at the suggestion of our friends, Chad and Shauntel Raymond.
How long have you been leading
a LIFE Group at LBF? For about a year now.
Tell us a bit about your LIFE Group. Our group has become very close. Mike and I have made it a goal of ours to encourage complete openness, which has laid a very strong foundation of trust within our group.
What are some of the discussion highlights you have had this year? We all have young families in common
so many of our discussions have revolved about raising kids in a world not ruled by God and the challenges that presents to us.
What has been the most encouraging
thing that has happened in your LIFE Group? Others’ willingness to share in an environment that is one hundred percent judgement-free.
Our struggles as imperfect sinners
has united us in an unbreakable bond.
How would you describe the
importance of the LIFE Group you lead? I think that it has brought us all closer to the Lord because it puts our faith into a human perspective, in a one-on-one environment. Also,
accountability is very important.
We are very good about reminding each other that we are here to serve the God of the next world, not this one.
What would you say to someone that is weary about joining a LIFE Group? Try to put your fears of
intimacy aside and allow God to work through fellowship. In a LIFE Group, you can access God in ways not
available to you on your own. You
can make invaluable friendships that you will have forever.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
This Weekend's Message: One Father
This past year my best friend and his wife adopted a child. Prior to walking through this experience with him, I had never been that close to someone going through this process. I got to see just what a strong financial and emotional commitment it is for anyone to pursue adopting a child. There were many prayers, tears, and sleepless nights awaiting the arrival of their child. But now they are living in the joy of the new addition to their family. When I see my friend talk about his son or post pictures of him, I know one thing: After all that he went through to become that child's father, nothing could ever tear him away from his adopted child.
This Sunday we will be talking about adoption in a unique way. We are not the adopt-ers, but rather the adopt-ed. And God is the Father, longing to welcome the children into His family. But the Apostle Paul will warn us that it is possible to be a child of God and yet still live as if we are only household servants.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Sending Out Team Nicaragua
By Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration
When was the last time you stood in awe of your kitchen faucet or garden hose as it delivered clean water? Never, right? It’s pretty easy to take clean water for granted. We certainly don’t plan our daily schedules around where and when we might have access to clean water. Virtually everywhere we go, we turn on the faucet and – boom – unlimited supply!
That’s not the reality, however, for the nearly 800 million people around the world who don’t have access to clean water. Eight hundred million people – more than twice the population of the United States, or one in every nine people on earth – don’t have access to clean water. And when we ponder these staggering numbers and how fundamental water is to life, the reality of this issue should move us. Water is foundational to everything. Water is LIFE. The lack of access to clean water seems unjust and an issue of morality.
This July, LBF is sending a team to Nicaragua to partner with Living Water International (LWI). LWI has been at work over the past decade sharing the Gospel of Jesus (the Living Water) and providing clean water solutions to people around world. We are excited to partner with LWI this summer by fixing broken-down clean water wells, teaching lessons on hygiene, and sharing about Jesus in villages across Nicaragua.
Please join us in praying for Team Nicaragua as we prepare for our time of serving this summer!
Pray for Team Nicaragua as they prepare, while they’re there, and upon their return: July 6-13
Water by Numbers
Stats from Living Water International. Check them out to see who we’re partnering with in Nicaragua.
When was the last time you stood in awe of your kitchen faucet or garden hose as it delivered clean water? Never, right? It’s pretty easy to take clean water for granted. We certainly don’t plan our daily schedules around where and when we might have access to clean water. Virtually everywhere we go, we turn on the faucet and – boom – unlimited supply!
That’s not the reality, however, for the nearly 800 million people around the world who don’t have access to clean water. Eight hundred million people – more than twice the population of the United States, or one in every nine people on earth – don’t have access to clean water. And when we ponder these staggering numbers and how fundamental water is to life, the reality of this issue should move us. Water is foundational to everything. Water is LIFE. The lack of access to clean water seems unjust and an issue of morality.
This July, LBF is sending a team to Nicaragua to partner with Living Water International (LWI). LWI has been at work over the past decade sharing the Gospel of Jesus (the Living Water) and providing clean water solutions to people around world. We are excited to partner with LWI this summer by fixing broken-down clean water wells, teaching lessons on hygiene, and sharing about Jesus in villages across Nicaragua.
Please join us in praying for Team Nicaragua as we prepare for our time of serving this summer!
Pray for Team Nicaragua as they prepare, while they’re there, and upon their return: July 6-13
Water by Numbers
- 783 million people lack access to an improved source of drinking water – that’s 1 in 9 of us.
- In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 40 billion hours are spent each year just hauling water. Most who lack water live on less than a dollar a day, and there’s no way out without water.
- Many women spend 20 hours per week collecting water, some walking 7 miles a day, often for contaminated water.
- Water-related diseases cause 2.2 million deaths a year; every day, diarrhea takes the lives of 2,000 children in Africa – more than any other single cause of death. Safe water, a toilet, and clean hands could prevent 90% of these deaths.
- Globally, water-related diseases steal 443 million school days a year. Illness causes absenteeism and early drop-out. Simple solutions can keep kids in school.
- In the past 20 years, 2 billion people have gained access to safe drinking water.
Stats from Living Water International. Check them out to see who we’re partnering with in Nicaragua.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Update from Vanuatu
By Carol Hawkins, Missions Coordinator
For the past 12 years, Leigh and Barbara Labrecque have been living in the country of Vanuatu, an island chain in the South Pacific, northeast of Australia. They have been serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators and translating the scriptures into two different languages – Paama and Southeast Ambrum. It is really exciting that after all these years of hard work, these two translations are nearing completion. Most of the work is finishing up in early July, and Leigh and Barbara will be moving to Canada where he will be teaching linguistics at the Canadian Institute of Linguistics in Langley, British Columbia, which is associated with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Barbara grew up attending LBF and it has been such a blessing to be part of their ministry through the years. Translating the scriptures into a new language is a long and difficult process. The Labrecques have been working in two languages at the same time, and it is a major accomplishment that both are nearing completion. We join in praising God for the dedication and hard work they have displayed.
This is a time we can be praying for Leigh, Barbara, and their three children, Sharyna, Anthony, and Cassia. After being involved with such an important ministry and serving side-by-side with nationals on their translation team, the time is coming soon for them to say goodbye.
Just imagine all that has gone into these two translation projects, including many hours of prayer, research, writing, editing, reading and re-reading to make sure it makes sense, finalizing the scriptures, meetings with translation teams, etc. All of that is now finishing up and a major shift will be happening as they leave and move to Canada.
LBF has been a significant partner with this work. Thank you for your financial and prayer support that has helped to under-gird the Labrecques. Because of your partnership, men, women, and children in Vanuatu will have access to God’s Word – in their own language.
The Labrecques are facing many changes and challenges, and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Here are some specific ways to pray as they end this major project and transition:
The Labrecque family will be here with us in July, and you’ll have an opportunity to hear more about this amazing project. Thank you for your prayers.
For the past 12 years, Leigh and Barbara Labrecque have been living in the country of Vanuatu, an island chain in the South Pacific, northeast of Australia. They have been serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators and translating the scriptures into two different languages – Paama and Southeast Ambrum. It is really exciting that after all these years of hard work, these two translations are nearing completion. Most of the work is finishing up in early July, and Leigh and Barbara will be moving to Canada where he will be teaching linguistics at the Canadian Institute of Linguistics in Langley, British Columbia, which is associated with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Barbara grew up attending LBF and it has been such a blessing to be part of their ministry through the years. Translating the scriptures into a new language is a long and difficult process. The Labrecques have been working in two languages at the same time, and it is a major accomplishment that both are nearing completion. We join in praising God for the dedication and hard work they have displayed.
This is a time we can be praying for Leigh, Barbara, and their three children, Sharyna, Anthony, and Cassia. After being involved with such an important ministry and serving side-by-side with nationals on their translation team, the time is coming soon for them to say goodbye.
Just imagine all that has gone into these two translation projects, including many hours of prayer, research, writing, editing, reading and re-reading to make sure it makes sense, finalizing the scriptures, meetings with translation teams, etc. All of that is now finishing up and a major shift will be happening as they leave and move to Canada.
LBF has been a significant partner with this work. Thank you for your financial and prayer support that has helped to under-gird the Labrecques. Because of your partnership, men, women, and children in Vanuatu will have access to God’s Word – in their own language.
The Labrecques are facing many changes and challenges, and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Here are some specific ways to pray as they end this major project and transition:
- Pray for strength and perseverance as Leigh and Barbara continue in finishing up the work.
- Pray for excitement among the villagers as they will soon have God’s Word in their homes.
- Pray for the funds needed to be raised to cover the costs for solar-powered MP3 players for the audio version of the scriptures. Each unit runs $35, and they are hoping to provide 3,000 of them, which will enable thousands to hear God’s Word in their own language. This is a wonderful way of reaching people with God’s message. Please let me know if you’re interested in more details regarding this financial need, as we can help.
- Pray for the transition from Vanuatu to teaching in Canada.
The Labrecque family will be here with us in July, and you’ll have an opportunity to hear more about this amazing project. Thank you for your prayers.
This Weekend's Message: One Path
Some of us love rules and some of us hate them. We love rules when they give us guidance and when they show us a path toward success. We hate them when they bind us and keep us away from freedom. On the one hand, we think it is good that our society has laws, that schools have standards, and that families have rules. On the other hand, we long for the freedom that could come with getting rid of all the rules.
Throughout Galatians, Paul has been making the point that it is not observance of rules and laws that makes someone a Christian. No one enters into God’s family because of strict obedience to His laws. But if this is true, then why are there so many rules, especially in the Old Testament? This Sunday we will discover what God's law is for and what it is not for. It has a specific and necessary role to play in our path to God. Without it, none of us can end up where we want to be.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Car Show
Sunday, July 21, 2013, 12:30-5:30 p.m.
By Phil Shahbaz, Pastor of Community Life
Summer is right around the corner! As our kids get ready to finish school and we make our vacation plans, let’s celebrate summer alongside some of the coolest wheels in Southern California!
The Second Annual Life Bible Fellowship Car Show will feature cars, trucks, and motorcycles of all makes and models. Classics, customs, hot rods, muscle cars, choppers, imports, antiques – all are welcome and all will be featured. Trophies will be awarded in several categories, including Judge’s Choice, Pastor’s Choice, People’s Choice, and Kids’ Choice. When you register your car, you will be able to choose your specific category. If you have a car, truck, or motorcycle that you would like to enter in the show (or know a friend who would), please register online at > Car Show.
The purpose of the Car Show is to celebrate summer, family, and pitch in to help those who are going through some tough times. So save the date, bring a can of food with you, and let’s help the GAP Food Bank feed families who could use a boost. Then enjoy the cool cars, live band, bounce houses, petting zoo, and a variety of food vendors.
By Phil Shahbaz, Pastor of Community Life
Summer is right around the corner! As our kids get ready to finish school and we make our vacation plans, let’s celebrate summer alongside some of the coolest wheels in Southern California!
The Second Annual Life Bible Fellowship Car Show will feature cars, trucks, and motorcycles of all makes and models. Classics, customs, hot rods, muscle cars, choppers, imports, antiques – all are welcome and all will be featured. Trophies will be awarded in several categories, including Judge’s Choice, Pastor’s Choice, People’s Choice, and Kids’ Choice. When you register your car, you will be able to choose your specific category. If you have a car, truck, or motorcycle that you would like to enter in the show (or know a friend who would), please register online at > Car Show.
The purpose of the Car Show is to celebrate summer, family, and pitch in to help those who are going through some tough times. So save the date, bring a can of food with you, and let’s help the GAP Food Bank feed families who could use a boost. Then enjoy the cool cars, live band, bounce houses, petting zoo, and a variety of food vendors.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Painful Grace
By Dan Franklin, Pastor of Teaching
For most of us, it is no problem to understand why the Apostle Paul would write a scathing letter to Christians who are practicing immorality, violence, and greed. But it is a little bit harder to understand why the Apostle Paul would write a scathing letter to a church that places great importance on obedience to rules and rituals. Yet this is what we find in the book of Galatians. Paul does not write because they have rejected the moral standards that he left with him. He writes because they have rejected grace.
What in the world could cause anyone to reject grace? Why would anything seem preferable to receiving the free gift of the favor of God Himself? While we may wonder at their actions, the Galatians found something preferable to grace. They found grace to be difficult, painful. And the fact is that we also often find grace too painful. We often throw it aside and prefer to live a life in which we attempt to earn God’s favor.
There may be a number of reasons why we find grace to be painful. In the space below, I want to identify what I see as the two main reasons why we tend to abandon God’s grace in light of inferior options.
Grace reminds us that we are undeserving. Have you ever had trouble accepting a gift from someone? Most of us have. Some of us instinctively respond with a polite ‘no’ when offered help. Others of us may have trouble receiving compliments. Why would we say no to gifts and words that we clearly want?
Let’s say a friend came to my wife and me and offered to babysit our kids for free, while we enjoyed a night out. We could feel awkward accepting the offer, but if we had just watched their kids for free, we would probably have no problem accepting. The reason is that we would feel that we have earned that offer. In this case we could enjoy our evening out, feeling that we were worthy of what we were enjoying. However, if we felt that we had done nothing to deserve the free evening out, it would be hard to accept.
For most of us, it is no problem to understand why the Apostle Paul would write a scathing letter to Christians who are practicing immorality, violence, and greed. But it is a little bit harder to understand why the Apostle Paul would write a scathing letter to a church that places great importance on obedience to rules and rituals. Yet this is what we find in the book of Galatians. Paul does not write because they have rejected the moral standards that he left with him. He writes because they have rejected grace.
What in the world could cause anyone to reject grace? Why would anything seem preferable to receiving the free gift of the favor of God Himself? While we may wonder at their actions, the Galatians found something preferable to grace. They found grace to be difficult, painful. And the fact is that we also often find grace too painful. We often throw it aside and prefer to live a life in which we attempt to earn God’s favor.
There may be a number of reasons why we find grace to be painful. In the space below, I want to identify what I see as the two main reasons why we tend to abandon God’s grace in light of inferior options.
Grace reminds us that we are undeserving. Have you ever had trouble accepting a gift from someone? Most of us have. Some of us instinctively respond with a polite ‘no’ when offered help. Others of us may have trouble receiving compliments. Why would we say no to gifts and words that we clearly want?
Let’s say a friend came to my wife and me and offered to babysit our kids for free, while we enjoyed a night out. We could feel awkward accepting the offer, but if we had just watched their kids for free, we would probably have no problem accepting. The reason is that we would feel that we have earned that offer. In this case we could enjoy our evening out, feeling that we were worthy of what we were enjoying. However, if we felt that we had done nothing to deserve the free evening out, it would be hard to accept.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Life Kids Children’s Ministry is Gearing Up for Summer
By Lauria Baiz, Director of Life
Kids Children’s Ministry
Have you ever thought about getting involved in Children’s Ministry but the commitment seems just too long? Or maybe the thought has crossed your mind, but the responsibility of teaching the kids made you second guess yourself. Well, I am here to tell you that the summer session is the perfect time to get your feet wet and try it out! We have positions open during all three services, for all ages (birth-6th grade), and all positions – lead teachers, assistants, jr. helpers (ages 12 and up), media techs, and also jobs behind the scenes. The great thing about the summer session is that it’s only
12 weeks. You show up with energy, love for the kids, and love for Jesus, and we provide all of the training, supplies, curriculum, and encouragement.
So come on by our table on the patio
this Sunday and see what great
opportunities are waiting for you!
I can’t wait to see you there and
share all of the exciting ways you can get involved in Life Kids Children’s Ministry. You can also email me

Wednesday, May 8, 2013
This Weekend's Message: One Redeemer
Nobody wants to be a slave. And yet many people, throughout human history, have found themselves in the state of slavery. And naturally, anyone who is a slave wants to find a way to stop being a slave. But most slaves have limited ability to secure their own freedom, and so their only hope is if someone else acts on their behalf. The best chance for a slave to gain his freedom is for someone to redeem him – to purchase him out of slavery. And a slave can only be redeemed at great cost to the redeemer.
On Sunday we will look at a passage in which Paul says that everyone needs to be redeemed. We are all slaves to the requirements of the law, and our only hope is to be redeemed. Thankfully, God has sent His Son as our Redeemer. This is good news and strange news. On the one hand it means that we have someone who has acted on our behalf. On the other hand it means that we must accept the fact that we are slaves. Only when we embrace the fact that we need redemption and that Jesus is our Redeemer, will we have the opportunity to be set free.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Why Pray?
By Gary Keith, Lead Pastor
Christians believe that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and loving, even if through our personal experiences we find that hard to embrace. So one of the natural follow-up questions to that statement is, ‘Why pray?’ If God is all-knowing and loving, why do I need to pray? That seems like a good logical question, right? Let me take the next few minutes of your time to share a couple of possible answers to that question.
In addition to the belief that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and loving, we also believe that God wants a relationship with us. In fact, we believe that God has called us into a relationship with people. And relationships – good relationships anyway – require communication. They require talking to one another. You can’t have a good relationship with anyone without good, clear, and honest communication.
For the Christian, prayer is simply communication between a holy God and you. And throughout the Bible we’re taught the importance and role of prayer. Let me share just a couple of passages that talk about the importance of good communication between you and God.
“Our mission (at LBF) is to passionately pursue LIFE in Jesus, and to lead our neighbors to do the same.” Communication with the source of this LIFE is essential to becoming a person who is living passionately for Jesus.
There is way more to talk about when it comes to prayer, but re-read these three reasons and then ask God how you can grow in your communication with Him. He wants to talk with us and help us today we as pursue LIFE in Jesus. Let’s make prayer a growing part of our passionate pursuit!
Christians believe that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and loving, even if through our personal experiences we find that hard to embrace. So one of the natural follow-up questions to that statement is, ‘Why pray?’ If God is all-knowing and loving, why do I need to pray? That seems like a good logical question, right? Let me take the next few minutes of your time to share a couple of possible answers to that question.
In addition to the belief that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and loving, we also believe that God wants a relationship with us. In fact, we believe that God has called us into a relationship with people. And relationships – good relationships anyway – require communication. They require talking to one another. You can’t have a good relationship with anyone without good, clear, and honest communication.
For the Christian, prayer is simply communication between a holy God and you. And throughout the Bible we’re taught the importance and role of prayer. Let me share just a couple of passages that talk about the importance of good communication between you and God.
- God invites us and commands us to pray. In Matthew 6:5-15, Jesus, during His well-known Sermon on the Mount, gives His followers some instructions about prayer. He starts off by saying, “When you pray…” This is both an invitation and a command to pray. Jesus points out that God is in control. Knowing this encourages true faith, not anxiety and worry. We are not to presume on God’s automatic care, but rather we are to come in trusting dependence to ask for what we need (Matthew 7:7-11). Since God is Spirit and we cannot see Him, our communication encourages our faith and develops our closeness and dependence. In prayer, in asking we acknowledge our dependence on God.
- God reveals Himself to us through prayer. When we talk with God we learn more and more about His character. We learn about how His perfect will is working itself out in our own life. Psalm 143:10 says, “Teach me to do your will for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing” (NLT). In prayer we deepen our understanding of God, which in turn deepens our faith and desire to devote ourselves to Him on a daily basis.
- God invites us to bring our burdens and needs to Him in prayer. A New Testament verse I come back to often is Matthew 11:28, which says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (NLT). These are the words of Jesus and the way we come to Him is through good and frequent communication. We have a God who is more than able to bring help to any challenge we face – God is a spiritual and physical healer. Like any healthy relationship, we would do well to keep a line of communication open.
“Our mission (at LBF) is to passionately pursue LIFE in Jesus, and to lead our neighbors to do the same.” Communication with the source of this LIFE is essential to becoming a person who is living passionately for Jesus.
There is way more to talk about when it comes to prayer, but re-read these three reasons and then ask God how you can grow in your communication with Him. He wants to talk with us and help us today we as pursue LIFE in Jesus. Let’s make prayer a growing part of our passionate pursuit!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
This Weekend's Message: One Method
Faith is a tricky concept. While it is often associated with religion, it is simply a word referring to belief. And we believe things everyday. We believe our parents, our spouses, our weatherpeople, and sometimes our government. We believe street signs and GPS devices and labels on food. We all believe. We all have faith. The only question is, what (and who) will we believe? This weekend as we continue our series in Galatians, we will be looking at what we believe about our our relationship with God and the tension that we experience between faith and performance. We hope to see you this Sunday!
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