By Carol Hawkins, Missions Coordinator
As you will remember, Jeremy Moore served with the
Africa Children’s Choir since July of 2011 and has recently returned home. The choir put a lot of miles on the bus, touring through 26 states in the U.S. and also spending five months in England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland doing concerts. All-in-all, they performed over 250 concerts, bringing glory to God. That’s a lot of music being shared! The Lord opened many doors for ministry, even giving them the privilege of recording on an album with Steven Curtis Chapman, and performing in arenas that seat 23,000 in the UK.

The children in the choir, ages 9-11, were selected and trained in their home of Uganda before heading to the U.S. for the concert tour. This was a learning time for them as they left home for 18 months and traveled throughout the United States. As you can imagine, touring for 18 months brings a lot of joy, blessings, and fun, but it also has daily stressors. Jeremy was the sound technician for the concerts and he also had a very important role as a chaperone for some of the boys. He recently shared some thoughts with me.

Jeremy knew this two-year experience would be a time of stretching and growing for the children, but it was also a huge growing time for him as well. Being in charge of the children’s daily schedule and making sure their needs were met was a huge responsibility. Each morning he and the other chaperones would make sure the children were up, dressed, had eaten their breakfast, and were ready to head to their performance site (usually a church) all by a certain time. Some days Jeremy would teach a class for the children (usually math, English,
or science). Yes, even on tour the children had school. They would make sure the choir had time to rehearse, rest, eat their meals, dress in time for the
concerts, and much more. Following the concerts, they made sure the children were back in their host homes, showered, and in bed by a certain time.
Then they would begin thinking about the next day’s schedule. Each day
also included a time of Bible reading and group devotions.
That’s a full schedule to maintain for 18 months. There were some fun field
trips along the way – like going to Disney World, playing in the snow along
the East Coast, and other fun adventures.
Jeremy thanks you, LBF, for your prayers and financial support during his
20 months away. This experience changed his life. It caused him to rely more
on the Lord everyday, helped him learn more about living out his faith, and helped him gain confidence in the process. And the Lord used this time to help him see more clearly the direction in missions he wants to go in the future.
Please continue to pray for Jeremy as he transitions back to life here and
prayerfully considers his next steps. Thank you for being part of this ministry,
for blessing thousands of lives, and for encouraging Jeremy on his journey.
And if you would like to be more involved with the lives of our missionaries through prayer, please let me know. Just email me at
I have a team of people praying for them regularly, but I’d love to have you
join us too! Or, if you’re interested in helping support our missionaries in other ways, let me know that as well. It would be a blessing to have you join our team.