Thursday, March 27, 2014

Prayer Team Ministry Becomes a ‘Vital Part of Daily Life’

By Debi Merry, Prayer Team Leader

Each new year is welcomed with hope and expectation, plans for prosperity and stewardship, and resolutions to break old habits or develop new ones. Last year, we heard about a lot of opportunities to serve as our leadership challenged us to move out of our comfort zones, find God at work in our community, and join Him. It’s been a year of discovery as we stepped out to try a variety of activities to serve our church family and our community. Many of us are seeking a place to serve as we answer the call of our Lord and our leadership.

On October 20 we rolled out the Prayer Team Ministry in conjunction with the message series on the same subject, “In Jesus’ Name.” Immediately I began to see God at work answering prayer. Members of our church family were quick to volunteer and commit themselves to loving others by serving them in prayer. I saw changes in my own prayer life as I prayed for the submitted requests. God opened my heart and sharpened my spiritual vision as those I prayed for became more than names on a list. Those names became people I care for and in whose lives I am invested. The Prayer Team Ministry has become a vital part of my daily life and my walk with the Lord. I’ve heard much the same sentiment echoed by other members of the Prayer Team.

Would you like to join us? The commitment is simple: attend one brief informational meeting and confirm your commitment to the Prayer Team Ministry. Check your email daily for prayer requests (most requests will be emailed to you on Tuesday) and pray in the comfort and privacy of your home. 

Would you like us to pray for you or someone you love? Please let us know! All prayer requests are kept strictly confidential. Your name and request is heard only by heaven and the Prayer Team as we bring your requests before the Lord.

We would love to hear about answered prayer as well! We want to rejoice with you and give praise to God!

How can you reach us? There are several options, so choose the one that works best for you. Use the K.I.T. card found in your bulletin each Sunday, email me at, or go to the LBF website, > Connect > Prayer, and then either leave a request or indicate your interest in volunteering for the Prayer Team Ministry and we’ll do the rest! 

“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints”
Ephesians 6:18 (NASB).

This Weekend's Message: Beyond Recovery

What would you say if someone walked up to you and asked, “How would you like to be happy for the rest of your life?” You might laugh. You might say, “Sure.” Or, more likely, you might start listing off all the reasons why this could not possibly happen. You might say, “I have chronic pain,” or, “My kids have stopped speaking to me,” or, “I hate my job.” In other words, you might assume that there are certain insurmountable obstacles to you being happy for the rest of your life.

But what if the person then said to you, “I didn’t ask you about the obstacles. I asked if you want to be happy for the rest of your life. Go ahead and answer the question I asked.”

This scenario is very similar to what happens in the story we’ll read on Sunday. Jesus performs his third sign, healing a paralyzed man. But before he performs the miracle, he asks the man if he wants to get well. The miracle itself, as well as the way Jesus approaches the recipient, reveal a powerful truth about Jesus’ ability to bring hope to all of our lost causes.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Two- & 3-year-olds’ Class Aptly Named ‘Blessings’

By Laurie Baiz, Director of Life Kids Children’s Ministry

The curriculum for our 2- and 3-year-olds is called Blessings and I can’t think of a better name for that age group. Every Sunday when I am able to peek in and watch this group of children be taught God’s Word, it is simply a delight! I love to see them as they engage in the different activities, songs, games, and with Hamilton the squirrel. He is a puppet that helps the kids learn God’s stories and shows them how to be good listeners and helpers. He has become one of their classroom friends. It has been such a blessing to see the children interact and get connected to Hamilton! 

If you are a parent of a child in this age group, please keep your eye out for the Home Front Weekly pamphlet that is in each of the classrooms and available through the eUpdate. This is a parent resource tool that gives the lessons the kids will be learning that month, what Bible verse they will be focusing on, and great discussion questions that you can ask your child to help them learn the lessons even better. This is a short, quick read with great age-appropriate questions for you to ask your children and have a moment of spiritual learning that is in your home during the week.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Back-up Plan

Because I grew up in Southern California, it was not until my mid-20s that I first drove in the snow. I was not very good at it. I had never learned the particulars of handling a car in those slippery conditions. One of the first times that I drove in the snow, my car started to slide as I approached a red light. I had lost control and I was certain that I was going to crash into the car in front of me. Then, suddenly, my wife cried out, “Take your hands off the wheel.” Even though it went against every instinct I had, I took my hands off the wheel. The car instantly straightened up, and we stopped safely before we hit the car in front of us. My wife had saved the day because she knew how to drive in the snow. But her advice only bore fruit because I trusted her enough to take her at her word, even when her idea sounded strange and risky.

It is always risky to trust someone. We risk being made to look foolish. We risk losing money or respect. We risk others taking advantage of us. Whatever it is that we might lose, we always take a risk when we take someone at their word.

This Sunday we will see Jesus call a man to take a risk and take Him at His word. And in this invitation to trust is a requirement to abandon all back-up plans in order to take Jesus at His word. Are you willing to abandon all your back-up plans and trust Jesus?


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Meals for a While is Here to Help

By Rita Dixon

Meals for a While is a ministry of Life Bible Fellowship Church. It is designed to provide meals for members of the church at stressful or critical times in a person’s life. The Meals for a While ministry is designed to help in the following situations:
  • For immediate and urgent short-term needs.
  • For those who are living alone and have no other source of assistance.
  • For those who are going through immediate surgery/care/recovery, which involves the whole family.
  • For those who are the sole caretakers of an ill person and do not have other family members/support to assist.
  • For those have had a baby and need help on the first day or so after delivery.

If you are part of a group…
At LBF the LIFE Groups and other regular, organized groups that meet weekly/monthly are the first line of support for their members. In order to deepen this “family” atmosphere, we are asking that all groups provide for their members by supplying meals if needed. We believe that people within the group know each individual person in that group well. Because of this, the group is the best and first place for this need to be met.

Robyn Foster is the coordinator and will set up an online Care Calendar for the groups to schedule the meals, provide information about what each person brought, and the dates for the groups to provide meals. 

If you are not part of a group…
The Meals for a While program is also available for those who are outside of any organized group at Life Bible Fellowship Church. The coordinator, Robyn Foster, will use volunteers to try meet those needs. A two-day advance notice is required to activate the Meals for a While, and the guidelines listed above are used to determine who we’re able to help. How do you get information or assistance?
  1. Fill out the K.I.T. card and drop it in the offering box or return the card and return it to the church office.
  2. Online: > Serve > Serve at LBF. Scroll down to Meals for a While, where you will see more information as well as a link to sign up.
  3. Call Coordinator, Robyn Foster at (951) 232-0014 or by e-mail:
  4. Call the LBF Church Office at (909) 981-4848!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sunday Morning Karaoke and a Book Report

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Worship

“Join us Sunday mornings at 8, 9:15, and 10:45 a.m. for a great time of Christian music karaoke and a Bible book report!” Doesn’t sound very appealing, does it? Yet when we show up to church, flip the “God switch” in our mind and participate in an activity merely because it is part of the program, we basically take something intended for God’s glory and the building up of our faith and turn it into an activity for our entertainment or intellectual stimulation. Yet in the American church culture we call these Sunday morning activities “worship.” Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying those things can’t be worshipful, but I am saying that the mere activities themselves are not innately worship. Let’s look to the Bible for what God considers authentic worship.

Romans 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Sometimes it is helpful for me to read through a passage and consider what it is not saying. Let’s be honest, it would be much simpler if Romans 12 read this way, “Therefore, if you happen to think about it, try and make it to church this Sunday and sing a little louder as this will help you look holy and pleasing to God—singing and not falling asleep during the sermon is worship.” That would make it possible for our efforts in pursuing God to be compartmentalized into a short time frame and specific activities. But to make our bodies living sacrifices for God… that means always, in everything, laying down our agenda and seeking God’s will and being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When we do this, our hearts are steadfastly pursuing God and the result will be authentic worship that God accepts as we follow His Spirit. It will also have a huge impact on the way we worship through music, read the Bible, and pray. And now, rather than just joining in on the Sunday morning activities, those become an extension of what God has been doing in our hearts and lives all week. Rather than deciding whether or not we like a church service, we are naturally and authentically overflowing with praise, and crying out to God as we respond to the Holy Spirit. 

Our lives are to be absolutely surrendered to God. This is what He considers worship! That doesn’t mean we won’t make mistakes or have a tendency to want to do things our way. It does mean that in every situation we seek the Lord’s will, listen for His voice, and make ourselves available to any call the Holy Spirit puts on our life. It means as we go through the routine and the mundane of life that we seek the empowering of the Holy Spirit and make ourselves available to be led, possibly in an entirely new direction.

Surrender is the only worship God is interested in. It is only through surrender that the words of a song declaring our love for God can be sung authentically. It’s the only way that an act of kindness is anything more than just being kind. When the Holy Spirit is given room to work and lead our lives, everything we do is empowered by Him and brings glory to the Father. The hymn writer Isaac Watts said, “God values not the service of men if the heart be not in it. The Lord sees and judges the heart. He has no regard for outward forms of worship if there be no inward adoration. It is therefore a matter of infinite importance to have the whole heart engaged steadfastly for God.”

How will you surrender to God? What will you lay down in order to discern and pick up what God has for you? I am discovering more and more each day that God has so much more for us than karaoke and a book report!

This Weekend's Message: An Unexpected Mission

There are people in our world who just like to do things that scare other people. Maybe you’re one of them! These people find great fun in dressing up like a bush and when people walk by, they move or jump up or doing something a bush is not supposed to do and of course, it scares people. Why? Because no one expects a bush to jump up and move towards you. While those may be funny or annoying, depending on your perspective, there are other things in our life that are unexpected. They happen to us all the time.

As we continue our series in John this week, we’re going to see that those who followed Jesus were faced often with the unexpected. It may not be a bush that jumps, but it can have the same effect. What should we think of the unexpected when it comes to our relationship with Jesus? Is it just annoying or does it have a purpose? 

Come this week and let’s learn together about “An Unexpected Mission.”


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why Read the Bible?

By Gary Keith, Lead Pastor

There is no argument that the Bible is the single most popular book ever written. It continues year after year to remain a bestseller. The Bible is the single most important book ever written because it is an account of historical events that have literally shaped the world. It is a connection with the maker of our world. It is a revelation of God and His plans and the way our world works. 

Here are three reasons to read the Bible:
  1. The Bible has transformed the world. A good number of people around the world read portions of the Bible every day. And as they read they gain an understanding not just of history, significant events in history, and  significant people in history, they also get a glimpse of the God of creation who has revealed Himself in the Bible. And those who read the Bible come away changed.
  2. The Bible contains a life-changing message of freedom. Reading the Bible has freed many from oppression. It raises the dignity of every human being ever born. It contains life-giving truth on the value and worth of every individual. Reading the Bible will speak directly to your heart because it is the very word of God. If you know nothing about God, you will know a great deal about God after reading the Bible. If you believe you know much about God, you will know even more about Him after you read the Bible. Reading the Bible will change your life.
  3. The Bible connects you to history’s most important person. We are, of course, talking about Jesus Christ – the Son of God. You may think you know Him, but each time you read the Bible you will see and learn something new about Jesus. The entire Old Testament points to His coming and the entire New Testament affirms His teachings and actions. For those who call themselves “followers of Jesus,” the Bible is really the best way to connect with what He taught.

At LBF we want to focus on reading the Bible – not just once in a while but everyday reading and reflecting on the truth written to us by God. Read it with an open mind and open heart. It contains pure truth about God, about life, about humanity. And as you reflect on your reading be quick to do what it says. In this way we truly become followers of Jesus. Happy Reading!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Taking Clean Water to Tanzania

By Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration & Missions

In January we sent a small team to Tanzania. The purpose of our team was to drill a clean-water well and train the national staff of Empowering Lives International on how to drill a bore-hole so they can begin providing clean water to surrounding communities. It didn’t exactly go smoothly and there were times when we didn’t think we’d be successful, but God was faithful and today a hand pump delivers clean water from the 195-foot well that was drilled. No longer will the people of that community fetch dirty water from the Lake Victoria! Today they pump clean water! Water is LIFE and life has forever changed for the people in that community! Thank you for your prayers for our team!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Operation: Quenched Thirst

Have you ever been thirsty? I mean, really thirsty?           

I spent one summer in Russia with a mission team. While we were there, there were many things that we missed about home. Perhaps most of all, we missed drinking cold ice water. In Russia we were only able to drink mineral water, which was not nearly as refreshing and tasted strange to us. We were able to drink soda, which tasted good, but didn’t quench our thirst. As soon I returned home I found myself consistently indulging myself with cold, fresh ice water. Nothing could be more refreshing.
This Sunday we will see Jesus talking about, among other things, water. As he reaches out to a Samaritan woman looking for water, he offers her (and everyone) living water that is only available through Him. Jesus invites all comers to have their thirst quenched in Him. In fact, He not only offers to quench our thirst; He is on a quest to do so. And He will combat all obstacles – even obstacles that we ourselves have imposed – in order to meet our greatest needs.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

If You Knew Who You Were Talking To...

By Dan Franklin, Pastor of Teaching

In the television show Undercover Boss, wealthy CEOs go undercover, working for a week in entry-level positions in their own companies. During this week, their employees interact with them without knowing their true identity. Some are respectful. Some are casual. Some are rude and condescending. But one thing is certain: each person would interact differently if they knew who they were talking to.

Imagine talking to the Son of God without knowing His true identity. This is exactly what happens in John 4. A Samaritan woman has a conversation with Jesus. She is frank, honest, and not terribly impressed with Him. And at one point in the conversation Jesus gives her a piece of advice. He basically says, “If you knew who you were talking to, it would change the way you’re speaking to me.”

Now, without finishing Jesus’ statement, think of all the things you can imagine Him saying. If you knew who you were talking to, you would fall on your face and beg my forgiveness. If you knew who you were talking to, you would stand at attention and shout out my praises. If you knew who you were talking to, you would instantly start doing things for me. If you knew who you were talking to...

The way we finish this sentence says a lot about what we think about God. How do we think He wants us to treat Him? How does He want us to interact with Him, once we have embraced the reality of who He is?

Here is the exact quote from Jesus in John 4:10: “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

Take a moment to take in the significance of Jesus’ words. If you knew who was speaking to you...
you would ask Him to give a gift to you. Jesus does not say that the appropriate response to His identity is shame or guilt or fear. In this case, He simply says that a proper response to Him would be to ask Him for help. He wishes that the woman was saying to Him, “You’re the Son of God? Then can you please give me new life instead of leaving me to myself to try to figure this out on my own?!”

And Jesus uses rich and vivid imagery. He offers her living water. He says later that if she drinks the water that He offers, then her thirst will be fully quenched. He says that He not only wants to meet her surface needs, but instead He wants to meet her deepest and most profound needs. The reason that He wants her to recognize Him is so that she can ask Him to give her the gifts that only God can give.

Jesus came to reveal God to us. The mystery of God has been declassified in His Son, Jesus. In each of His speeches, each of His miracles, and each of His actions, He shows us God’s heart. He shows us not simply abstract attributes of God, but the practical way that God behaves toward us. The way that Jesus invites us to respond to Him is also the way that we are invited to respond to God.

When you pray, what do you imagine God is saying to you? Do you imagine Him saying, “Do better!” or “Bow lower!” or “Figure it out!” If we really embrace the heart of Jesus in this story, then it is more likely that He is saying, “If you really embraced the truth about me, you would confidently ask me to meet all of your deepest needs.” 

If this is truly God’s attitude toward you, don’t hesitate to take Jesus up on His offer.