This week's "Reflection" by Matt Sasso, Pastor of Jr. High Ministries
This weekend we talked about some twisted views that we are presented with in our relationship with God and how they effect us as we pursue a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father. While at times these twists can be convincing, what if you and I knew the opposite of those twists? What if we lived each day in response to such a relationship? Could we then know that we are invited in a relationship with the one true God and the truth? Could we then know that there is a God who knows us and loves us?
Read Romans 3:21-28.
Think about how the knowledge of this truth can impact our daily walk with each other and our personal relationship with God. I would love for you to share how this verse guides your life and concept of a relationship with Him.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Reflections: December 22-23, 2007

This Christmas season Pastor Jeff and I have wanted to take some of the stresses and pressures of the season, expose them and then see how we might have a richer and fuller experience of Christ. This past weekend we talked about Scrubbing out Selfishness by looking at the example of Jesus as found in Philippians chapter two.
Remember the story of the man who gave his life for others after the Air Florida flight crash into the Potomac? That event reminds us that the noblest moments of human existence occur when we sacrifice our rights on behalf of others. May this be a Christmas of noble moments in many of our lives. May this be a Christmas where we selflessly serve others. If you try this, or experience it this Christmas season, would you mind sharing your story with me on the BLOG below. We can gain encouragement from one another as we share our life experiences.
Thanks and may this be your best Christmas ever.
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Reflections: December 15-16, 2007

Refurbishing Relationships - What a complex subject!
I woke up at 3:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. My mind was filled with thoughts about how those who have been the victim of adultery heard my message this weekend. How does someone who's been the victim of adultery show selflessness? In Joseph's case God spoke to him in a dream as he was part of a greater plan. But for those today who face the betrayal of a spouse who commits adultery, how do they respond?
In many cases adultery leads to divorce. In fact, Jesus knew how difficult it is to forgive the sin of adultery and included it in his exceptions for divorce in Matthew 5:31-32. But I think once the initial feelings of anger and betrayal are expressed and maybe even a divorce occurs, there is room for forgiveness and acts of selflessness. I've seen it in the lives of several who have lived through this terrible sin. What do you think? Let me know by writing on the reflections blog below.
For those who have not experienced adultery first hand, I'd love to hear your stories of how the Holy Spirit of God enabled you to show selflessness or become sacrificial as you refurbish a relationship this Christmas season. My prayer is that God's Holy Spirit would specifically lead each one of us to start the healing in this complex world of relationships.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Reflections: December 8-9, 2007

This weekend we talked about brushing off the bling during this Christmas season. Though there may be some physical actions associated with brushing off the bling, it is primarily a heart attitude that we need to check.
In looking at the simplicity of the Christmas story and the way that Jesus came,
- What are some ways that you keep your heart in check so that the pursuit of the bling does not blind you from the true meaning of Christmas, and you are not weighed down by the cultural pressure of having to provide it?
- What are some ways that we can participate in the cultural traditions of Christmas (presents, decorations, etc...), and still communicate the true meaning of our celebration to the people around us?
- How can the joy that Jesus birth brought to the world be restored in all the busyness and pressure of the season?
God bless you this Christmas season as we celebrate the greatest gift that has ever been given.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Reflections: December 1-2, 2007

So, as we discussed clearing the clutter this weekend, have any of you come up with some encouraging ways that the rest of us can keep the focus on the real meaning of Christmas without allowing it to be swallowed up by the clutter? I know that in the crazy hectic world that we live in, each day it can be downright exhausting to try and wade through the clutter that seems to bombard us in the form of busyness, relational stress, and financial worries; Just to name a few. But I can't help but continue to believe that if we will be faithful to clear the clutter that creates so much anxiety, and causes us to lose hope, that God has wonderful peace that can only come when our focus and dedication is for Him. Would you please click the link below and share with us some of the ways that you keep the reminders of the vital things in place so that the clutter does not overrun your life?
May your Christmas season be filled with the peace of God. Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Reflections: November 24-25, 2007
This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching/Youth
As we have looked at the Old Testament over the past 32 weeks, we have seen time and time again, evidence of God's plan and presence in people's lives. What are some of the things that you have experienced in your own life that have confirmed God's presence and His plan for your life? My prayer is that each of us would allow God to guide us through the journey of our life and continue each day to seek His will and guidance through every situation.
As we have looked at the Old Testament over the past 32 weeks, we have seen time and time again, evidence of God's plan and presence in people's lives. What are some of the things that you have experienced in your own life that have confirmed God's presence and His plan for your life? My prayer is that each of us would allow God to guide us through the journey of our life and continue each day to seek His will and guidance through every situation.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Reflections: November 17-18, 2007

We've been on this Old Testament Journey for the better part of a year, only one week left and what a powerful journey it has been.
This weekend were learned from Jeremiah how to live with the assignments God gives us. I stated in the message that I believe that all followers of Christ have assignments given to them by God. These assignments are as varied as people are.
Let me ask you to reflect on this issue of God's assignment for your life. If you know your assignment, did the life of Jeremiah give you encouragement to hang in there? If you have quit your assignment would you spend some time in prayer asking God for his guidance to get you back in the game? If you have never known what your assignment might be would you pray and ask God to reveal his assignment for you? If you're moving too fast, take some time to slow down and rebuild that relationship of closeness with the one who gave you the assignment.
God Bless and be sure to take some time to write your thoughts and reflections on the BLOG. Just click on the link below.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Reflections: November 10-11, 2007

What is good and what does the Lord require?
This weekend we looked at the prophet Micah as he answers that question with three things: Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.
I know that as I was preparing for this message, a friend invited me down to a place called Tent City in Ontario. My heart was touched by seeing people whom God loves with such great needs. Miriam and I have plans to join others from LBF on Thanksgiving Day down at Tent City to help those in need get a good meal on a day in which we all give thanks for God's provision.
The study of the prophets is making a difference in my life. I'm asking God to tune me into to how I can act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. I want God's word to make a difference in the way I live. I know you do as well. If God has placed something on your heart about these three things, I'd love to hear about it. Be sure to join the blog by clicking below and adding your comments.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Reflections: November 3-4, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching/Youth
The more I reflect on the topic of fear vs. faith that we talked about this weekend, the more I recall all of the times in my life that it was so easy to go into panic mode. I have to wonder, what are some things that can be done to help us stand firm in our faith during times of great fear or overwhelming situations? What are some things that you have done to allow God to remind you of His presence and faithfulness? I ask you to share these things because your experiences and insights could really help others who may be struggling with fear or panic right now in their life.
The more I reflect on the topic of fear vs. faith that we talked about this weekend, the more I recall all of the times in my life that it was so easy to go into panic mode. I have to wonder, what are some things that can be done to help us stand firm in our faith during times of great fear or overwhelming situations? What are some things that you have done to allow God to remind you of His presence and faithfulness? I ask you to share these things because your experiences and insights could really help others who may be struggling with fear or panic right now in their life.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Reflections: October 27-28, 2007

Hearing and responding to God can be really tough sometimes. I think many of us could benefit from hearing some of the ways that you strive to keep your focus on God so that you can hear His voice and give Him the honor that He deserves. And as we saw in the life of Isaiah, has there been a time in your life when you have been called by God to take some action? What was your response? How have you seen God use you? What have you learned from your experiences in following God?
May God bless you everyday as you seek His face and His will for your life. And may He bless you with the faith and courage needed to step out and follow Him.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Reflections: October 20-21, 2007

This week's message was a serious one as we considered the words of Amos for our own lives. I know that the study of Amos impacted me by reminding me that many times I do not have a heart like God's. I used the story of David Tarus as an example of what one person can do and has done in Africa, but I know that there are many needs right here in our own community. Yes, we even have orphans in our own community.
May I encourage you to look at a website that is trying to help those children among us. Wanda Parker, a member of our church, serves with Kidtrek. The web site is May I also encourage you to post to our blog any of your own reflections from the message this week. I would be especially interested in hearing any stories of how you are serving or are planning to serve in those areas that touch God's heart. The areas of widows, orphans, and immigrants.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Reflections: October 13-14, 2007

"I won't force you, you decide," was Elijah's approach to Elisha when he asked him about volunteering. We learned that many times people do not volunteer because they were never asked. So, let me ask you to give serious consideration to how God would want you to pass the torch of faith to someone else. Responding to the call of God in this area can give deep meaning to your life.
What can be more important than passing the faith from one person to another? While this can happen many ways and in many places, why not consider getting involved with the children or students of LBF? Lastly, I'd be interested in your stories of how you have been involved in passing the faith or receiving the faith. Why don't you take a minute and share your story on our blog below? I'll look forward to reading them.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Reflections: October 6-7, 2007

This week as we looked at a portion of Elijah’s life we learned that ups and downs are inevitable. Elijah is an example of one individual who experienced God not only in good times, but also times of despair. We have all experienced times on life’s roller coaster where we feel as if God could never be closer, but we also experience the fear as we go through the tunnels of despair. This week I would like to challenge you to see the places that God is leading you through and remember that He is the true source of authority in our lives. As you do, remember that we can’t live on mountain top experiences. We would love to hear where God has been leading you. Feel free to post by clicking the link below.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Reflections: September 29-30, 2007

As we looked this weekend at the potential threats to community I think it is really important for us to also consider what kind of action really draws us into community. The answers to this will vary as widely as the people who respond. What is it that people do that really helps you to feel drawn into a community and help you feel like a valued member? What are some things that you strive to do to help others to feel like they are a part of the community? Click the link below and let us know.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Reflections: September 22-23, 2007

Grief is something that all of us will face during our life, but the
understanding that God wants to be with us through our grief and confusion and anger can give us hope that we do not have to face it alone. The ways that God can make Himself known to us in our hearts and through other people can be amazing.
Do you have a testimony of when you went through a difficult time and God really met you where you were at? Your story could really minister to the hearts of people who are also dealing with grief and sorrow. Click on the link below and tell others your story of how God allowed you to see Him work through your darkest times.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Reflections: September 15-16, 2007

This past weekend, Pastor Jeff and I shared about "What I really want from church." It was our desire to not only share the vision of LBF, but also to partner with you by encouraging all of us to not just do church. We look forward to growing in God working in us and God working through us.
How would you answer the question, "What do I really want from church?" Please take some time to share with us on the blog.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Reflections: September 1-2, 2007

So, as we talked about wisdom this week, I hope that you were able to reflect into your own heart and allow God to reveal to you an area (or two or three) that He would like to impart wisdom. Biblical wisdom, which is wisdom that glorifies God above what satisfies us, can bring us into a much deeper walk with our heavenly father. The book of Proverbs is a great tool to give us practical advice for decisions and situations that each of us face, yet we must be careful not to misinterpret or misapply the proverbs to make them
something that they are not (i.e. promises).
Do you have a Proverb that has been important in your life, that has helped you in your decision making? Please feel free to share it with us by clicking the link below and telling us how the verse has impacted you and helped in your daily life.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Reflections: August 25-26, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Pastor of Teaching/Worship This weekend we had the opportunity to look closely at what the Bible has to say about the intimate love of a man and a woman. I know with my study I learned much about how to keep the romance alive in a marriage. May I encourage you to do a couple of things and then let me know how it goes?
First, if you are married would you take the time to review the vows you made at your wedding and then ask yourself how you’re doing. If you talk with your spouse about this let me know what kind of difference this has made in your marriage. How did this experience of talking about your vows change your marriage?
Second, if you are single let me know what you thought about the caution I gave about who to give your heart to. This was the part about the lover’s name and the importance of the character of a person. What have you experienced in this area of your life? How have you determined the character of a person you are attracted to?
Thirdly, if you are currently experiencing a hard time in your marriage, did anything from this study encourage or help you? I’d love to hear from you this week.
God Bless as you live out the word of God this week.
First, if you are married would you take the time to review the vows you made at your wedding and then ask yourself how you’re doing. If you talk with your spouse about this let me know what kind of difference this has made in your marriage. How did this experience of talking about your vows change your marriage?
Second, if you are single let me know what you thought about the caution I gave about who to give your heart to. This was the part about the lover’s name and the importance of the character of a person. What have you experienced in this area of your life? How have you determined the character of a person you are attracted to?
Thirdly, if you are currently experiencing a hard time in your marriage, did anything from this study encourage or help you? I’d love to hear from you this week.
God Bless as you live out the word of God this week.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Reflections: August 18-19, 2007

The goal of this week was to see the book of Psalms as more than just music and poetry as we went behind the music. Layered in the book of Psalms is some heartfelt prayers that could richly develop our prayer lives as we pursue a life of reaching up.
We spent some time looking at how we might develop our communication with God by exploring Thanksgiving, Penitential, and Enthronement psalms. We learned how we might give thanks to God for answered prayers as well as being thankful in the midst of unanswered prayers. We looked at what it means to pray a penitential prayer how God will pour his grace into our lives. We also looked at how a prayer of enthronement places God above all things and the importance of keeping Christ at the center of our lives in the midst of life’s good and bad seasons.
I encourage you to read Psalm 30, 51, and 96 again this week. After doing so, I want to challenge you to respond by writing down some reflections and prayers. We would love to hear your story of how God is developing your prayer life. God Bless!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Reflections: August 11-12, 2007

This week, as part of our continuing trek through the Old Testament, we focused on the Psalms. One of the goals of the sermon was to encourage us make better use of the Psalms to enrich our time of individual worship and deepen our relationship with God. Do you use the Psalms in your devotional time? If so, how? If not, what keeps you from incorporating the Psalms into your quiet time?
We also spent a fair amount of time exploring some of the most salient features of Hebrew poetry and touched on some of the things to keep in mind when interpreting the Psalms. Do you think that this type of analysis helps you get more out of the Psalms? Does it get in the way of using the Psalms to worship God?
We also looked at two types of Psalms: Hymns (or Psalms of Praise) and Laments. We worked our way through Psalm 136—a Psalm of Praise—and Psalms 22, 42, 69, and 137—all Laments—as examples. Psalms 99, 103, and 104 are other examples of Hymns. Choose one of the Hymns and one of the Laments and identify the sense units, the types of parallelism, and language devices used by the Psalmists. What insights did you gain from reflecting and praying through the Psalms you analyzed?
Psalm 136 teaches us that God is to be praised for His work as Creator and Redeemer. What connection is there between God as Creator and God as Redeemer? In what way does this theme appear in John 1:1-18?
One of the features of Laments is an imprecation (a curse or calling down harm on someone) on the Psalmist’s enemies. Does this trouble you? How does this square with Jesus’ command to love and pray for your enemies (Matthew 5:44)?
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Reflections: August 4-5, 2007

As you consider the life of David and the choices that he made in regards to putting God on the throne of his heart, what are some practical ways that you put God on the throne of your heart? What does that look like in your life? How would you encourage others to do the same? This is an opportunity for all of us to grow through the encouragement of those around us, so please share your life lessons with us.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Reflections: July 28-29, 2007
This week's "Reflection" by Russ Parker, LBF Business Administrator
This past weekend more than 150 of our church members and attenders took part in Serve Day. LBF provided leadership for seven projects that blessed our community and served people and ministry in need. What a huge success it was! From washing cars to painting houses to checking blood pressure, there were lots of ways to get involved on Serve Day.

I personally have heard numerous stories from the day...stories about how blessed we were to serve and show Christ's love, and stories of how amazingly that love was accepted.
Did you participate in Serve Day? We want to hear about your experiences as we celebrate the ways God moved on July 28th.
This past weekend more than 150 of our church members and attenders took part in Serve Day. LBF provided leadership for seven projects that blessed our community and served people and ministry in need. What a huge success it was! From washing cars to painting houses to checking blood pressure, there were lots of ways to get involved on Serve Day.
I personally have heard numerous stories from the day...stories about how blessed we were to serve and show Christ's love, and stories of how amazingly that love was accepted.
Did you participate in Serve Day? We want to hear about your experiences as we celebrate the ways God moved on July 28th.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Reflections: July 21-22, 2007

This week in our Old Testament Journey, we looked at the life of Saul. While he was out looking for lost donkeys, God interrupted his life and anointed him to be the first kind of Israel. But Saul was never able to fully trust God. This led to disobedience of God and fear of people. When Saul got close to truly repenting and following God, it became clear that he only wanted to find releif from his pain and feel better.
This week as we live in our world, may we do a better job at trusting God with our whole life and of obeying His Word? May we allow God to rule our lives instead of allowing the fear of people rule our lives? And when that pain comes from our sin may we pursue true repentance through Christ and not just look for relief.
Take time this week to thank God for His love and His patience with you as we all learn how to live more fully, trusting God especially in those unexpected interruptions of life.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Reflections: July 14-15, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Bob Erickson Interim Teaching Pastor
"What's Up!" Are you praying? Are you denying? Are you listening? Are you praying your heart to God? Are you sticking your head in the sand? Are you saying "speak Lord for your servant is listening? How you live your life is up to you, my prayer is that you will hear from God and grow in grace.
Thank you for a great time over the last six months, may God continue to lead each and every one of you.
Take care,
Pastor Bob
Monday, July 9, 2007
Reflections: July 7-8, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Anthony Guynes Pastor of Assimilation and Missions
Yesterday after the 9:30 service, a woman came up and shared with me how her home was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. She related to the message so much because of the way she saw people helping each other during that horrible time, even up until today.
Thinking back on the book of Ruth, and this weekend's message, what experiences have you had where you saw God working through human acts of everday or extraordinary love?
Monday, July 2, 2007
Reflections: June 30-July 1, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith Pastor of Teaching/Worship
This weekend we saw in Judges that God consistently rescues his people even though they consistently break their covenant with him. What a great and gracious God we serve. As you reflect on the message this week consider your own life of love and obedience to God; and how he has been gracious to you.
If you're in pain, maybe it's time to cry out to God for his help.
If you are experiencing peace, try thanking Him for his goodness in your life and ask Him to guard your heart from complacency.
If you're sinning, seek God honestly for forgiveness with a repentant heart. Remember there are two things you can count on: First that the evil one will try and deceive you. Second that God will always be faithful to forgive you.
The good news is we don't have to live in an endless cycle of falling into sin over and over again. We can live in the freedom of Christ. May God grow and deepen our love for him this week.
On another note: Let me tell you how proud I was of our church this past weekend. Rallying together as a family, our church lovingly embraced the Libutti family. Hundreds of our church members reached out in a variety of tangible ways to support the Libutti family in this great time of need. We estimate the memorial service had an attendance of 1200-1500 people...and the only way we were able to accommodate these was through your helpful efforts. Please continue to pray for the families involved in the accident.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Reflections: June 23-24, 2007
Our hearts go out to the families who lost loved ones through the terrible car crash on Hwy 395 this past weekend. For more information on this tragic accident click here.
Please pray for the families involved and for First Presbyterian Church of Upland.
This accident has also touched our own church family as we are grieving with the Libutti family who lost their son Nick and with Karyn Chudasama who lost her sister Becca in this accident.
Many of you are wondering what you can do to help. We urge you to be an encouragement and support to the families involved.
Cards and letters for the Libutti family can be mailed to Life Bible Fellowship Church 2426 North Euclid Ave., Upland CA 91784
If you would like to express your thoughts and prayers of support and concern for the families involved, please click the comments link below.
Please pray for the families involved and for First Presbyterian Church of Upland.
This accident has also touched our own church family as we are grieving with the Libutti family who lost their son Nick and with Karyn Chudasama who lost her sister Becca in this accident.
Many of you are wondering what you can do to help. We urge you to be an encouragement and support to the families involved.
Cards and letters for the Libutti family can be mailed to Life Bible Fellowship Church 2426 North Euclid Ave., Upland CA 91784
If you would like to express your thoughts and prayers of support and concern for the families involved, please click the comments link below.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Reflections: June 16-17, 2007
This week's "Reflection" by Bob Erickson Interim Pastor of Teaching
This weekend we saw the faith of a new generation that was willing to take the first step for God into the Jordan River . We all have Jordan rivers to cross and often we hesitate to cross over, desiring some assurance from God that everything will be OK. When we do respond to God in faith and take the first step it is then that we see the miracles of God. How has God worked in your life as you have taken first steps for Him? Thank Him for His faithfulness to not let us drown!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Reflections: June 9-10, 2007
This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith Pastor of Teaching/Worship
This weekend we finished the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Pentateuch. My question for us to reflect on this week is, “Do you love God’s Law?” Do you meditate on it day and night?” Do you find yourself hungering to know God’s law in deeper ways?”
Consider taking time each day this week to read a section of Psalm 119. This Psalm celebrates God’s law and will draw you in and invite you to see God’s law in fresh and new ways.
As you read, reflect on these questions:
When was the last time I really fell deeper in love with God’s word? What life experiences draw me deeper into God’s word? What can I do to make the personal study of Scripture a bigger part of my life?
The nation of Israel viewed God’s law as their prized possession. May we grow in our love for the life giving effect of God’s law this week.
This weekend we finished the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Pentateuch. My question for us to reflect on this week is, “Do you love God’s Law?” Do you meditate on it day and night?” Do you find yourself hungering to know God’s law in deeper ways?”
Consider taking time each day this week to read a section of Psalm 119. This Psalm celebrates God’s law and will draw you in and invite you to see God’s law in fresh and new ways.
As you read, reflect on these questions:
When was the last time I really fell deeper in love with God’s word? What life experiences draw me deeper into God’s word? What can I do to make the personal study of Scripture a bigger part of my life?
The nation of Israel viewed God’s law as their prized possession. May we grow in our love for the life giving effect of God’s law this week.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Reflections: June 2-3, 2007
The tabernacle of the Old Testament is a great reminder to us that God is eager and willing to dwell with His people. As we go through our lives today in the 21st century, God continues to dwell with us and we are called as believers to be living sacrifices who glorify God and bless others.
Let's be intentional this week to look for ways that we can sacrifice our time, resources, and lives to God and others as this can be our spiritual act of worship.
Click the link below to tell your story of a way that God was able to use you as you sacrificed yourself for His glory so that we can all be encouraged to do the same.
God bless,
Pastor Jeff
Let's be intentional this week to look for ways that we can sacrifice our time, resources, and lives to God and others as this can be our spiritual act of worship.
Click the link below to tell your story of a way that God was able to use you as you sacrificed yourself for His glory so that we can all be encouraged to do the same.
God bless,
Pastor Jeff
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Reflections: May 26-27, 2007
by Bob Erickson, Interim Teaching Pastor
As we walked through the wilderness with the children of Israel this weekend, we each could identify with the lessons they had to learn.
As you walk out your life this week with God, be alert to the truths He is trying to teach you.
Everything in our life is about "God at work in us to will and to do his good pleasure." Every trial of life has at its core a lesson to learn, be a learner this week!
Pastor Bob
As we walked through the wilderness with the children of Israel this weekend, we each could identify with the lessons they had to learn.
As you walk out your life this week with God, be alert to the truths He is trying to teach you.
Everything in our life is about "God at work in us to will and to do his good pleasure." Every trial of life has at its core a lesson to learn, be a learner this week!
Pastor Bob
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