What is good and what does the Lord require?
This weekend we looked at the prophet Micah as he answers that question with three things: Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.
I know that as I was preparing for this message, a friend invited me down to a place called Tent City in Ontario. My heart was touched by seeing people whom God loves with such great needs. Miriam and I have plans to join others from LBF on Thanksgiving Day down at Tent City to help those in need get a good meal on a day in which we all give thanks for God's provision.
The study of the prophets is making a difference in my life. I'm asking God to tune me into to how I can act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. I want God's word to make a difference in the way I live. I know you do as well. If God has placed something on your heart about these three things, I'd love to hear about it. Be sure to join the blog by clicking below and adding your comments.
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