Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reflections: January 19-20, 2008

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching/Youth

Being "a little different" – probably something that all of us could
succeed at occasionally. However, one of the things that has hit me the hardest as we have been going through this series in 1 Peter is that we are called to be different for the purpose of making a difference, which means that it will take consistency. Each of us can probably muster up a positive comment or a good attitude when things are going well. We can all express our thankfulness in times when we feel that our needs have been met. We would probably all be more likely to stand up for what is right and make the right choices when there are 10 or 15 others willing to do the same thing. Unfortunately these ideal situations don't come along as much as we want and everyday we are faced with opportunities to either live in a way that will glorify God or not. Our decision is reflected in our reactions and responses to things as well as the choices and decision we make.

Being a little different does not work when it is only when we feel like it or when the situation plays in our favor. Anyone can do that. To be truly different we are called to live our lives marked as God-chosen people everyday, in every situation. Of course none of us will attain perfection, but I pray that starting right now, at this very moment, each of us would pray for a craving that would drive us to live differently. And that when we do stumble and fall, the craving to live for God would only increase.


  1. Jeff,

    I think this was one of the best sermons I have ever heard. Your sermons are always good, but this one was one that really hit home. I think it is an excellent question to ask ourselves what we crave; and if Christ is in fact who we keep our eyes on and crave him, then everything else will fall in place according to his purpose. Thanks for the great message and for your constant momentum.

  2. Jeff,

    Your message was very encouraging to me. It was something I really needed to hear. I think we all need to be spurred on to continue live differently.
