The Beginning of the End...of the Beginning: Jesus knew who He was!
I realized that I mis-spoke during the message on Sunday. During the message I talked about our calendar being separated in time by the birth of Jesus; B.C meaning before Christ and A. D. meaning after the death of Christ. A.D is after the death of Christ, but A.D. is really a Latin word, "Anno Domini," referring to the year of our Lord. The time of the change is centered around the birth of Christ not His death. I'm sure some of you wondered about this. I hope this clears it up.
Beyond that it seems clear to me that Jesus knew who He was. Jesus knew He was God in the flesh when He said, "Before Abraham was even born, I Am" (John 8:58 NLT-SE). This claim of Jesus demands a response of some type from each of us. We can accept this claim and allow it to change our life. We can reject it, calling Jesus a liar or something worse. Or we can be somewhere in the middle, seeking answers. What we cannot do is ignore Jesus. Every person at some point in their life must make a decision about what Jesus said about Himself. If you are still seeking, what questions do you still have about Jesus? What do you need to understand? Please feel free to send me an email or make a note on the blog below. Let's talk! Please just don't ignore Jesus. His claims demand an answer!
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