Father Forgive Them
Luke 23:34
Mark Twain is quoted as saying, “Forgiveness is the fragrance that a violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” I think we would all agree Mark Twain has a special way with words. In this case, he has captured much of the essence of the forgiveness Jesus has offered to us and the kind of forgiveness we are to offer others. When a person has been crushed, forgiveness is the way to set two people free. The person who has wronged another person is set free from what they deserve. And the person who has been wronged is set free from allowing bitterness to take over their life.
I have personally seen both of those sweet fragrances in my journey of learning how to forgive and be forgiven. We call ourselves Christians saying that we are followers of Jesus. Jesus modeled the way of forgiveness for us to follow. The question is, will we follow the example of Jesus? Will we forgive others as Jesus has forgiven us? Will we seek forgiveness from others when we have wronged them?
When we do, the power of forgiveness can be seen. Forgiveness brings healing and wholeness to individuals and to relationships like nothing else can. Will you join me in learning to become a master of forgiveness?
The Lord had been preparing my heart and mind to receive your message, by allowing old wounds to surface on Saturday. Your words on Sunday morning were exactly what I needed to hear. I could not sing "My chains are gone, I've been set free," until I forgave three people from my past, which I did on the spot. Based on the tears of others around me, I believe they were doing the same thing. Pray that I will learn not only to forgive, but to forget the transgressions of others. Thank you for that very timely and needed message.