Thursday, December 29, 2011

Picture of the Week

Thanks to all (young and older) who participated in our choir this year. What a blessing you were!
photo by Tira Young

This Weekend's Message: Advent: The Sequel

Acts 1:9-11

Whether it is a bearded man holding a sign, a passionate preacher on TV, or a Mayan calendar, people are constantly predicting the end of the world. And those who buy into these predictions often face embarrassing or outright disastrous consequences. Many of us who are Christians want to distance ourselves from those who cry out, “apocalypse now,” preferring a calmer Christianity, one more focused on a personal connection to God and one another.

Still, as much as it might make us uncomfortable, the Bible clearly and boldly predicts that the same Jesus who was born in a manger will return to this earth one day. It is a teaching that can make us feel awkward and uncomfortable. It is a teaching that sounds both unlikely and unnecessary to many people in our culture. We can try to ignore it or explain it away, but it is impossible to deny the clear Biblical teaching on the subject.

What does the Bible say about the return of Christ? What will happen? When will it happen? And why does it need to happen? As so often proves to be the case with Jesus, the news of his return is better news than we might think.

-Pastor Dan Franklin

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gifts from a Baby – A Love Story

There are just a few days left to find that perfect gift to be given out at Christmas. Giving the perfect gift – I’m pretty sure that’s probably what each of us works toward this time of year. We want to give a gift that the person really wants – a gift that would show them we really care – a gift that shows that we know them well enough to give them something that reflects our love for them.

This Sunday, Christmas morning, at 11 a.m., we will take a look at the fourth and final gift from a baby, the gift of love. Some believe that love is the greatest gift given to us by God. What does it mean that Jesus is the gift of love? Join us on Sunday as we take a deeper look at this gift from a baby.

On behalf of the elders and staff may you have a Christmas filled with the experience of God’s love for you.

Merry Christmas!

Gary Keith

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Picture of the Week

photographer: Tira Young

November 2011 Mexico Orphanage Outreach. Bill Applebay making a new friend at Casa Hogar El Faro, Tijuana Mexico.  The LBF team installed a new playground structure and held a carnival with the orphanage kids.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This Weekend's Message: The Endless Pursuit

Luke 2:8-12

When my sons were babies, one of my greatest goals in life was to get them to smile. I would play with them, tickle them, make faces at them, pretend to fall down and hurt myself..pretty much anything. I loved to see those smiles light up those little faces. Anytime that it would come, I just wanted it to stay around forever (evidenced by all the pictures that we take during the early childhood years).

The thing I wanted for my sons is the same thing we all want for ourselves – we all want joy. We want to smile (and to mean it!). We do whatever it takes to get that joy. And when that joy comes, we want it to stay. But it doesn’t. Joy is elusive and when we get it, it is usually only for a moment. We seem to be on an endless pursuit for joy. And we’re still wondering how we get it, and how we get it to stick around.

Dan Franklin

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This Weekend's Message: Peace on Earth? Where?

Jesus came to bring peace on earth, right? So where is it? Wars and conflicts have raged on since his appearance on earth 2,000 years ago. The earth is hardly a place of harmony. In the 20th century alone, 160 million people died in wars. And outside of the casualties of war on the large scale, we experience conflicts and hatred between political parties, neighbors, and even members of the same family. We seem to be a long way from experiencing the fulfillment of the angels’ announcement that this child born on Christmas day would bring “peace on earth.” So what happened? Did Jesus fail? Was the angel wrong? Where is this promised peace on earth?

Dan Franklin

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Picture of the Week


Tears of joy and a heartfelt embrace after being baptized this past Sunday!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

This Weekend's Message: Better Days

Last week I went running (a big mistake) on the Bridle Path (a bigger mistake). I started my run from the top of Euclid, so when I turned around to head back up, the run got painfully difficult. All I wanted was to be finished and to experience some relief. The hill seemed endless though, and I wondered if I would ever get to the top. Then I saw a beautiful rectangular-green sight. It was the sign for 24th Street. That sign was hope. Hope for relief from pain and exhaustion. Hope for a cold glass of water and a sofa. Hope that better days were coming soon.

My embarrassing athleticism aside, we have all experienced seasons that are dark and draining. We just can’t wait for them to end. We feel tired and hurt and disillusioned, and we long for relief. We long for better days. But how do we know better days are coming? What makes that a realistic hope?

Dan Franklin