Thursday, December 29, 2011

This Weekend's Message: Advent: The Sequel

Acts 1:9-11

Whether it is a bearded man holding a sign, a passionate preacher on TV, or a Mayan calendar, people are constantly predicting the end of the world. And those who buy into these predictions often face embarrassing or outright disastrous consequences. Many of us who are Christians want to distance ourselves from those who cry out, “apocalypse now,” preferring a calmer Christianity, one more focused on a personal connection to God and one another.

Still, as much as it might make us uncomfortable, the Bible clearly and boldly predicts that the same Jesus who was born in a manger will return to this earth one day. It is a teaching that can make us feel awkward and uncomfortable. It is a teaching that sounds both unlikely and unnecessary to many people in our culture. We can try to ignore it or explain it away, but it is impossible to deny the clear Biblical teaching on the subject.

What does the Bible say about the return of Christ? What will happen? When will it happen? And why does it need to happen? As so often proves to be the case with Jesus, the news of his return is better news than we might think.

-Pastor Dan Franklin

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