Thursday, March 1, 2012

This Weekend's Message: Know It All

Know It All
Colossians 2:1-5

Ever searched for an answer to a question, only to feel more confused by what you found? Have you ever felt like everyone else has the answer but you? Our culture is filled with books, products, and people who say that they got the answers you need to your questions. There is always someone saying that they got the answer that you are searching for if you read a particular book, listen to the right person, and buy the right product. This weekend come searching for an answer! We are continuing our series in Colossians as we discover more of how Jesus is the X Factor in our lives.

Matt Sasso


  1. Wow Matt! You knocked my socks off. I missed Sunday, but just had the pleasure of watching you. Thank you for giving me such a clear message. Great job.
