Taking God’s Word to Others
By Carol Hawkins, Missions Coordinator
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been in a sermon series on Sunday mornings learning about the Bible – God’s word to us. Here in America it is our privilege to have access to the scriptures in many different translations so we can freely read it whenever we want to and in a translation that we enjoy reading. We have that choice. However, in many different countries and cultures, the people do not have the Bible in their own language. They cannot pick up a copy of the Bible whenever they want to see what God has to say to them. It’s not even an option for them. That’s why there are men and women serving around the world to translate scriptures for different people groups, to bring that culture God’s word in a way that’s understandable, in a way that God can speak His truths to their hearts.
You may not realize it, but LBF has two families that we support who are doing just that – taking God’s word and translating it to the language of the people they are living with.
Scott and Tonia Berthiaume live in San Luis Potosi, Mexico and are translating God’s word to the Pame people.
And Leigh and Barbara Labrecque are living in Vanuatu, an island chain in the South Pacific, where they are translating the scriptures into two different languages – Southeast Ambrym and Paama. Within the next few years, some of these translations will be complete and Bibles will be printed and delivered to these communities. The people will then be able to read and understand God’s word in their own heart language.
Did you know...?
When a people group has the scriptures available in their own language, we say it is in their “heart language,” because
that’s the language they know and use. That’s the language
that is close to their heart and reaches into their emotions as well as their intellect.
As you’ve heard the sermons about the value of God’s word, and as you read your Bible at home on your own or with your family, please remember that LBF is reaching out to three different language groups through our two missionary families. Because of your
faithful support, you are helping to make it possible for these cultures to
one day have a copy of God’s holy word in their very own language. That’s such a treasure. We praise God for His incredible word to us, and for the opportunity to help others receive that valuable message.
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