Thursday, September 20, 2012

Christmas In October? Oh Yes.

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Worship 

Have you ever had the urge to burst into “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” in October? Are you tired of having to wait until December to sing “Joy To The World?” Well we have a great opportunity for you! In October we are starting rehearsals for our Christmas choir, which will be part of our worship services two weekends in December. The choir will be part of the worship team and will have the opportunity to lead our congregation in worship songs, both contemporary and traditionally Christmas. We are going to have so much fun learning this music together and it would be great to have you involved.

You are reading about this in September’s Scroll because we have music that we would like you to begin learning even before our first rehearsal on Wednesday, October 3. If you do not read notated music, don’t worry, we have ways of learning parts that won’t require that. Speaking of rehearsals, we will be rehearsing each Wednesday in October and November (except the Wednesday of the Harvest Party on October 31) from 6-7 p.m. in the Worship Center.

If you are interested in being part of our Christmas choir, we are looking for sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses. All parts are crucial so if you enjoy singing and can carry a tune, please consider being a part of this. (History has shown us that we are always in need of more guys for the tenor and bass parts. So men, step up!)

There will be a table at the front of the Worship Center with music folders and a sign-up sheet. If you are interested, please sign up at the table or contact our Worship Services Coordinator, Amanda Bixler @ 981-4848, ext. 241 or, so that we can plan how many seats and music folders we will need. I cannot wait to worship God through Christmas music with you.

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