Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Worship Team Needs Musicians

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Worship 

Over the years God has blessed LBF with church members that not only have tremendous talent, but also have a heart for ministry and using their talents to honor God and bless the church body. Bass, keyboards, drums, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, and vocalists have all played a major role in facilitating worship through music over the years.

As you look up on the stage, it may seem that the worship team has all the musicians it could possibly need. Thankfully, by the grace of God, there has never been a week that the team had to be without a drummer or bassist, or other key roles on the team. There have always been volunteers who have stepped up to meet the need. However, looks can be deceiving. There are many roles on the worship team that are filled with only one or two people, which means they are volunteering 2-3 times per month. And while there is certainly joy in their heart to be able to serve, it would be nice if there were some more people to help share the commitment.

So this is why we come to you. Certainly there are musicians in our church family that have the ability to serve in this ministry but have yet to step up. So, we want to give you the chance to step up. We are looking for people who play bass, drums, keyboards, electric guitar, and sing. Because of the importance of this ministry, we do not want to minimize the significance of the commitment that comes with this ministry, involving rehearsals, personal practice, and weekend hours, but we also cannot express the satisfaction that comes with knowing we are being used by God through an expression of praise each weekend.

If you have music experience in one of the aforementioned areas, please consider coming to an informational meeting on Sunday, January 20, at 12:45 p.m. in room 102 & 103. There, we will talk through some more of the details of what it takes to become part of the worship ministry here at LBF. We will answer questions you may have, get you the audition materials, and set up an audition time.

If you would like to have some more information before the meeting, you can go to lbfworship.com and click the “Join The Team” link, where you can download the info packet, which has all the details of the ministry, skill requirements, and time commitment.

Please RSVP to jeff@lbfchurch.com if you are planning on attending the meeting so that we can plan appropriately. If you have any questions beforehand, please feel free to email me.

Thank you for prayerfully considering your role in the worship ministry here at LBF. We realize that this ministry is not for everyone, but for those of you that God has gifted in this area, we are inviting you to join an exciting ministry that makes a huge impact each weekend.

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