Passion Experience is coming to LBF Good Friday, March 29, but we need YOU!
The Passion Experience is an interactive worship service that will involve worship through silence, prayer, music, and dramatic reenactments taken from scripture to walk us through the washing of the disciples’ feet, communion, betrayal, trial, sentencing, and death. This production, complete with props, music, and costumes will be a great way to consider all that Christ came and did, in a very impactful and interactive way.
The Passion Experience is a vital outreach to our community, our church, and unsaved friends and family. Our desire is to do this to the very highest quality; not for our glory, but to accurately and passionately point people to Jesus, which means we need your help.
Will you please pray about being part of this event? We need people to fill speaking roles as well as “community roles” that have no specific lines, but are vital in creating the atmosphere in many of the scenes. Whether you have acting experience or not, anyone can be involved, kids too! There will be a rehearsal for speaking roles on Sunday, March 17 at 1 p.m., and for all participants on Sunday, March 24, also at 1 p.m. There will be two Passion Experience services on Good Friday, March 29, at 4 and 6:30 p.m. If you are willing and available to join the cast for this powerful event, please email Jeff Taylor at, or let us know on Sunday via your K.I.T. card.
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