Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life Kids is the New Children’s Ministry

By Lauria Baiz, Director of Life Kids Children’s Ministry 

As you look around the Children’s Ministry you might have noticed that there is a new logo with a new name. We have been working hard to come up with a new name that coincides with LBF’s new mission statement and reflects the direction that our Children’s Ministry is headed. While mulling all of this over, the word “LIFE” kept sticking out to me. And since we are to passionately pursue LIFE in Jesus and our church name is LIFE Bible Fellowship, it became apparent to me that our Children’s Ministry should also use the word LIFE. And so Life Kids was put in place. This name encompasses our ministry to all of the children from birth-6th grade.

The next step was to come up with a theme and motto for Life Kids. Through many brainstorming sessions it was decided that the visual theme for the kids was going to be shapes. You may be asking why shapes? So here is the concept behind it: With using the idea of being shaped by God or being the clay and God the potter (Jeremiah 18:6 and Isaiah 64:8), I wanted our Children’s Ministry to be about shaping hearts for Jesus. Using a play on words the shape theme was born and you may have already noticed that some shapes have begun to pop up.

The most prominent place that you can see this is in the room that the 1st-4th graders meet in each Sunday morning for worship. Formerly known as “Worship Island,” it is in the process of being transformed into “The Cube.” There are new large graphics of cubes on the walls and other three-dimensional shapes that are currently being built.

With each age group there is going to be a different version of the shape theme. On the nursery side of the church the theme will reflect basic shapes. The basic, simple shape is similar to a new Christian that has a simple understanding or basic knowledge about God’s Word. As we get older and have more knowledge of God’s Word, we become more complex and so do our shapes. On the elementary side of the church you will see 3-D shapes that designate our 1st-4th grade space. Last, but definitely not least, our 5th-6th grade program will be referred to as 56°. Since this is our oldest group, they will have a building blueprint theme that is based on building their life by the blueprints God has laid out for them.

This is all in its beginning stages, but as time goes on you will see it being put into place more and more throughout the Life Kids Children’s Ministry. I have thoroughly enjoyed this project and am very excited for what’s to come!

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