By Lea Lee, LIFE Groups Coordinator
Names: Scott & Cathy Carter
Tell us about how you came to faith in Jesus Christ.
I was raised atheist and after 25 years of marriage, I was devastated by divorce. My boss shared with me about Jesus and after months of struggling, I asked
Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. Cathy was raised Catholic and although she knew of the Lord, He
was not at the center of her life. Cathy’s marriage
of 26 years came to an end, and distraught and desperate for comfort, she
immediately went to a bookstore and purchased a Bible. Thus began her
beautiful journey with the Lord of love, trust, mercy, and grace.
Tell us about your family. We each have children from our previous marriages: Matthew, 30; Jenna, 28 and recently married; and Ryan, 26. We have seen so much healing in our families that had previously been torn apart by divorce.
Tell us about how you found LBF. Cathy’s aunt invited her to a Bible study and she quickly found love and comfort from women that would pray over her when everything felt so hopeless. Having never attended church, I tried a couple to see what it was all about, but was awestruck by the love I felt here at LBF from people I felt had no reason to care about me.
How long have you been leading a LIFE Group at LBF? We have been facilitating the DivorceCare group at LBF for about three years.
Tell us about your LIFE Group. DivorceCare is a worldwide, Christ-centered program to help people recover from the pain and devastation of divorce. It is a 13-week support program that includes group discussion, a workbook, and video series with phenomenal counselors, pastors, and people that have
experienced divorce and have come through it with life experiences to share.
What are some of the discussion highlights you have had this year? The understanding if we make something other than God the center of our lives (spouse, children, etc.), we are choosing things that can change or deteriorate. When that happens, you will lose your orbit and spiral out of control. There is only one thing that is permanent! Your relationship with God.
What has been the most encouraging thing that has happened in your LIFE Group? To see wonderful people grow. To see them start off their journey seriously hurting and over time (not necessarily in 13 weeks), work through the middle of that pain and come out the other end stronger.
How would you describe the importance of the LIFE Group you lead? When we are married, we become one flesh. When we separate we do not
simply go back to being separate individuals, we are torn apart. DivorceCare
is a place where you can come to heal.
What would you say to someone that is wary about joining a LIFE Group? Don’t be afraid. We understand that this is a very personal and painful thing to go through, but we would encourage you not to go through it alone. Join us for DivorceCare! Our next 13-week session begins Sunday, January 5, 2014, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call us at (909) 987-8804 for more info.
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