Thursday, July 17, 2014

This Weekend's Message: What Did You Expect?

When I was a kid, I used to hate it when my ears needed to pop. I would try just about anything to get the discomfort to go away, but my options seemed limited. I would yawn. I would try to get any excess wax out of them. I would drink some water. Sometimes, though, none of these tried-and-true methods worked. Then, one day, someone told me to plug my nose and fill my cheeks with air.
Imagine hearing that as a kid. It sounded so silly that I thought that the person who said it to me was making fun of me. Eventually, though, I gave it a try. Immediately my ears popped and I said, “I can’t believe that worked!” My problem ended up being solved by a method that I would never have tried, never have conceived, and never would have imagined would be effective.
Jesus was an expert in surprising people with His own actions and with the actions He called them to take. This Sunday we will explore a story in which Jesus shatters others’ expectations of Him, and surprises everyone with how He presents Himself. And, in doing this, He also invites us to follow Him into a very surprising solution to the problems that we deeply long for God to resolve.


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