As we have begun our Deal or No Deal series we talked about a few very important principles when it comes to how we view wealth and riches. First, contentment is itself, great wealth. Solomon said chasing contentment by the accumulation of riches and possessions is like chasing the wind. Contentment and a heart of gratitude is how we can truly experience great wealth.
What are some things in your life that you are grateful for and are able to say that you are content with? (Hint: it may come down to some of the simple things in life.)
contentment is definitely something I struggle with. We live in a culture where we can learn about anything, go almost anywhere and have all of our needs and most of our wants met in many situations. Contentment is not a cherised virtue today. I was challenged to reexamine my level of contentment based on scripture. I especially loved the scripture from Solomon's life and his conclusion that chasing wealth was the same as chasing the wind.