So, what is it that makes it so easy to rely on money for satisfaction and security? Is it because it is tangible and something we are so familiar with? Is it because society says that money is really the most important thing and we believe it?
This week write down some of the ways that you intentionally make Jesus the Lord of your life and surrender to him. These practical examples can bless us all and be an encouragement for how we too may be able to give the Lord our whole selves...even our wealth and possessions!
I think the reality is that in the United States, which I believe is the greatest, most free country in the world, our prosperity (which is a gift from Him) can sometimes be a stumbling block to our ability to completely rely on God for all our needs. As times get tough though we are far more likely to put our full trust in Him. This is a common theme throughout the Bible, especially in God's dealings with the Nation and People of Israel in the Old Testament.