"I am doing something"
- God
Is this easy or difficult for you to believe? What are some of the factors that cause you to struggle with this? How do you work through this in your own life?
The "God how could you..." questions are rarely easy, so let's talk about how we handle those wrestling times in our faith. What God has done in and though your life could really make an impact for others who may be struggling the way you have. Let's talk about it!
I was really excited for this series as it seems like something I have been dealing with a lot this year. I always had confidence that God had a plan, even in the rough circumstances. I could usually look back on hard times and see what good came of it.
ReplyDeleteThen I got pregnant and prayed for a healthy baby. It stopped developing and I miscarried. I was absolutely crushed. I was angry at God and so confused. People tried to encourage me that God had a plan, but that made it worse. This was a little life that had yet to really live, so why would God end it (or allow it to end)? What good could come of it? Was it for me? I've learned a lot and grown so much through this process, but I would give that back for that little baby. I would have sacrificed anything for it.
Thus, I don't know that I could possibly understand God's plan, nor do I really want to in this case. No reason will be good enough for me. BUT, I TRUST that God is in control, He's taking care of me, He hurts with me. One day I will understand when He makes all things perfect, and I am okay waiting.
Thank you so much for that very personal example of how you have personally gone through this type of Habakkuk experience. Having walked through a miscarriage ourselves my wife and I can both understand the conflicting emotions and faith struggles of understanding what God may be doing. I think you are absolutely right in your comment that though we may want answers and believe that we deserve answers, many times the reality is that there is no answer that would satisfy which forces us to rely on the peace of God and acceptance of His love and care for us. Thank you again for being willing to share your life with all of us.