Understanding why God does or allows some of the things that we see or experience is something any of us have yet to fully understand. "What do you want to bring out of this?" and "What role do you have for me in this?" are key questions as we wrestle with the "Why are you allowing this to happen?" dilemma.
What are some roles that you have felt God has called you to play in situations in life that you have found difficult? What were the effects of your involvement and faithfulness to do what God was asking of you?
We all grow from each other's experiences, so please feel free to share your own of how you have seen God work in the midst of things you didn't understand.
I had several people this weekend share some of their terrifying taxi
experiences. Countries that were included in the unofficial "Scariest Taxis in the World" survey were Thailand, Japan, and France. How about you? Had a scary taxi experience? Share it with us!