This weekend's "Reflection" by Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration
Live Like You Were Dyin’
Solomon’s message to us in response to the inevitability of a physical death is to embrace life. His message, though seemingly depressing, is a hopeful one for a number of reasons. We know God has us in His loving hands. We know that we have hope in Him. We have the ability – knowing that our death is one day coming – to live vicariously for Jesus. We can celebrate the good gifts our Creator has given to us. He mentions gifts of food, drink, friendships, celebrations, marital relationships, and an honest day’s work. It’s as if Solomon is saying, “Redeem the routines, make the ordinary extraordinary, seize the day, live like you were dyin’!” And do this because life is so short – just a blip on the screen, really – and its end can come at any moment.
Thankfully, we have a hope in Jesus and in the life He gives us today and in all eternity. But until then, may we live life to the fullest and allow that to be our worship to God.
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