Have you ever walked on a balance beam? Whether you have or not, I can tell you that it is one of the more stressful things in life. Even though the fall would not be great, there is still this anxiety that overwhelms you as you take steps across that skinny beam, fighting to keep your balance.
Many people, some even call themselves Christians, choose to live their lives on that beam in between truly following Christ and doing whatever they (and the world) feel like doing. Not only is this something that God has some pretty strong words about, it will also hold us back from the promise of life that those who commit themselves to Christ can experience. Instead of peace, there is the constant tension of keeping that balance. Instead of hope, there is anxiety knowing that living on the edge this way is not pleasing to God and not fulfilling for us. Yet so many people choose this kind of life.
Sometime before this weekend, read chapter 7 in Ecclesiastes and come ready to be challenged to get off the line and commit!
See ya Sunday,
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