Choosing the Way We Live
Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
It is impossible to determine for sure, but most agree that we literally make thousands of choices everyday. These choices can range from the simple everyday things, like which can of tomato soup do I buy, to how I respond to that temptation that is right in front of me. Some choices are not life-changing, while others can affect our lives forever, but in either case it is true that the choices we make everyday, big or small, have a lasting impact on our lives. That makes it so very important to know how to make choices that bring us health and wholeness and happiness.
How do you go about making the thousands of choices you face everyday? Do you have some guidelines for success? Do you just “shoot from the hip?” How does your knowledge of the Bible come into play here? Do you ever ask other people for advice?
This week in our study of Ecclesiastes, Solomon gives us some answers to the question he left us with at the end of chapter 6: How can we live well during our few and passing days on this earth? This week we’ll learn six important choices we can make that will help us find success in life.
I can’t wait! Hope to see you Sunday!
Gary Keith
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