This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Lead Pastor
Which One is Better?
Ecclesiastes 4:1-16
In this passage after observing life “under the sun,” Solomon asked four “which one is better” questions. He looked at life and compared one issue with another and came to his conclusions about how to live. Probably the most familiar part of this chapter deals with the idea that two are better than one.
In case you’ve never heard this before, humans were not created to be alone. We are wired to be part of a community. What Solomon wanted to remind everyone was is that we are not made to live or work alone. This flies in the face of something we American’s are known for – individualism – but this is not how God wants us to live. So let me ask you, are you in community with other people? Do you have people in your life that can protect you and help you in your times of need? Do you have people in your life that can help you when you fall?
If not, what are your plans to solve this problem? What are you going to do to start being part of a community of people? Remember as we live our life two is better than one, and three is better yet!
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