This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
It is so easy to make promises, yet often so hard to follow through. It can be so tempting to believe that we can make all sorts of outlandish promises to God, believing that somehow He does not know the true intent of our heart. Religiosity and rituals can often look like enough to convince God and others that our relationship with God is authentic, but the honesty of our heart reveals it is just a show. Our intentions may be good in the moment - especially moments of desperation - but I am challenged to consider what my rash promises reveal about my faith in God. If I feel I need to do something extreme so that God will do what I want Him to, what does that say about my trust that God is a good God and will do whatever is needed to bring about life and wholeness in a situation? My prayer for my life, and for yours, is that we would be slow to speak, quick to listen, and always open to inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives and situations, allowing Him to do the work necessary for us to find contentment in what we have, and see that He has an eternal plan that we get to have a part in.
This week, take some time to get quiet before God. Silence is difficult for most people, but God has proven over and over again to be faithful to reveal Himself top those who will wait on Him. He is the source of our strength. He is our eternal hope. He is the author of peace that goes beyond our understanding. He is the beginning and the end, and has invited us into a relationship with Him. Let’s do less talking, and more listening for His voice and guidance in our lives.
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