The parent of a child who finally embraces the importance of honesty. The teacher of a student who suddenly understands what Shakespeare was talking about. The friend of someone who finds comfort in finally being heard and understood. What is the common thread? All three of these people are experiencing the joy that comes from impacting another human being in a powerful way. Despite all our efforts to be private people, we know that we were created for impact, and this is evidenced by the joy and satisfaction we get from the experience when it happens.
If you have embraced Jesus and been changed by him, that impact is not meant to be contained. It is meant to spread to those around you. Yet many of us keep our relationship with Jesus to ourselves. What does it take for our faith to go public? And, when it goes public, what kind of impact does it have?
Dan Franklin
I strongly agree with you Pastor Dan! Thank you for sharing your Godly life provoking thoughts...I really appreciate you. God bless you. Debbie Norton