Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This Weekend's Message: X-treme Marriage

In our culture we like to keep a wall of separation between our public life and our private life. This is especially true when it comes to our marriages. We make our marriages off-limits in the business world by passing laws that keep potential employers from asking questions about the health and stability of our marriages. We make our marriages off-limits in the political sphere by scorning campaigns that bring up marital failures as criticism for opposing candidates. Sometimes we also want to make our marriages separate from our religious life. We want Jesus and his church to help us with inner peace and freedom from guilt, but we consider our marriages to be our business. In Colossians 3:18-19, the Apostle Paul expresses a completely opposite viewpoint.

According to Paul, not only are our marriages fair game for Jesus to address, but they are one of the most profound areas of change when we experience the transformation that Jesus brings. This Sunday we'll look together at what happens to a marriage when Jesus steps in and brings transformation.

Dan Franklin

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to listening to the message. We recently attended a Love & Respect conference. It was a blessing from God for us to be able to attend.
