Ever wake up in the morning late, rush to get ready, leave your house forgetting something important, and in addition to what looks to be a challenging morning, you realize that you forgot to do something? This scenario has happened to me more than a few times, and one of the things I have forgotten to do is charge my phone.
Like many of you, I wish I could say that I could live without it for the day, but the truth is that looking at that remaining battery life and seeing it close to empty makes me nervous. I start to think about how long it will last, what are the only important situations in which to use it, and how I can conserve its battery life until I am able to charge it.
While that scenario is not the end of the world, there is something that many Christians forget to do on a daily basis. While many don’t like to admit it, many forget to pray. Prayer is a rich and meaningful part of the Christian life. There’s something significant that happens when we intentionally carve out time to connect with God through prayer. In many ways, it helps us stay charged.

This month at Exit 83, we have been encouraging students to change their view and strengthen their relationship with God through prayer. We hope that each week your student is challenged to connect with God and that they are able to grow in their faith in deep and profound ways. Each week we encourage students to see how rewarding and necessary it is to connect with God on a daily basis through prayer. We hope that your student is able to join us each week as we grow in our passionate pursuit of Christ.
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