Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This Weekend's Message: Will God Give Me Whatever I Ask?

When I was 9 years old my father became paralyzed from the neck down. As soon as this happened, I began to pray one prayer every chance I got. I prayed that my dad would be able to walk again. That was a prayer that never became a reality. For those of us who pray, our most memorable prayers are often those that go unanswered.

When our prayers go unanswered, we are left to wonder what is going on. Is God not listening? Is He upset with us? Is He indifferent? Is He unable to accomplish what we’re asking? Is He waiting for us to shape up and stop bothering Him with so many desperate requests?

This Sunday we will explore what is going on when our prayers are not answered. We’ll explore what unanswered prayers mean – and what they don’t mean – about God.


1 comment:

  1. My Sisters 12 year old little girl died some time ago of a stroke caused by heart failure. Since then I have tried to talk to Her about God and Jesus Christ. This is what she says. If there is a God then one thing is true, He sat on His hands while my little girl suffered and died. So there are two ways I can approach this, I can believe in Him and hate Him for what He did, sitting up there in heaven watching and not lifting a finger to help, or I can rid myself of hating God by not believing in Him. So, what do I say to Her.
    Vernon Black
