Thursday, January 16, 2014

Goal of LIFE Groups: Better Understand the Bible & Each Other

By Phil Shahbaz, Pastor of Community Life

As we begin the New Year, LBF Church is set to once again launch a new LIFE Group season. The LIFE Group program at LBF is made up of many different kinds of small groups with one common thread: the goal is to better understand the Bible and better support one another.

Our hope is that the experience of being part of a LIFE Group will further benefit you and your family in a variety of ways: 
  1. You will gain a deeper understanding of the Bible in a LIFE Group. If you’ve ever listened to a Bible teacher or pastor and wanted to ask, “But what about…?” or “I don’t understand...,” then a LIFE Group can help. In a small group setting, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the text, and hear others share insights and illustrations you are trying to grasp. 
  2. You will begin to really feel like you’re part of God’s family. Most people who have been a part of a group say the greatest benefit is the close relationships and friendships that develop. They will frequently call each other during the week to share an urgent prayer request or exciting news. You’ll discover that your needs and problems are not unique – we’re all in the same boat.
  3. Prayer will become more meaningful to you. Many people are hesitant to pray in front of others, especially in a large church. In a small group of six to 12, you will learn to participate in prayer by having a conversation together with God. No one is pressured to pray, but as you become comfortable, you’ll be able to join in. 
  4. You will be able to handle stress and pressure better. LIFE Groups provide excellent support in times of crisis, change, and stress. You’ll have a sense of stability and security knowing there are people who really care for you and are committed to standing with you. Many people in our church could testify that they would not have made it through a difficult time if it hadn’t been for the support of their group.
  5. You will have a natural way to share Christ with friends, relatives, and work associates. It may be that some of your friends who don’t know the Lord will not visit a church. But those same people may be open to an invitation to a casual Bible discussion in a home or office setting. In a LIFE Group, your unbelieving friend can ask questions and express honest doubts without feeling put on the spot.
  6. You will develop leadership skills and confidence! The Bible teaches that every believer is given certain talents or “gifts” to benefit others in the family of God. Unfortunately, most Christians remain Sunday morning spectators all their lives because large group meetings are primarily “sit and listen” situations. As you share and participate in a relaxed small group setting, you’ll discover your confidence and self-esteem rising. 

This January we will have many opportunities to join a group. We will have options in both men’s and women’s ministries, along with traditional LIFE Groups that meet in homes. 

Be sure to sign up this weekend, and if you have any questions you may contact Phil Shahbaz, Pastor of Community Life, at (909) 981-4848.

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