Thursday, January 2, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Changed by God's People

A surprising trend that has been taking place recently is the emergence of atheist churches. Yes, atheist churches. They are assemblies that gather together to sing songs, hear motivational speeches, experience community, and raise money for causes. They are, as one congregation puts it, “godless congregations that celebrate life.”

These atheist churches drive home a reality about humanity. That reality is that we are hard-wired to long for community. We aren’t simply machines that need food and water and information. We need relationships. And the most profound relationships take place when we share a transcendent belief in something. For Christians, that belief is that the true God has revealed Himself in Jesus. For the atheists who gather, it is some belief about humanity or the world or nature. Either way, we long to lock arms with people of like faith and support one another.

We live in a world that allows us to increasingly isolate ourselves. We rarely need to leave our homes because more and more things are personalized and available. But Scripture tells us that there are certain reasons why we need other Christians. This Sunday we will delve into a passage of Scripture that explores the connection in our lives between transcendent truths about God and the important role of God’s people.


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