By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Worship
We all know the routine: wake up, cook meals, run errands, go to work, sit in traffic, attend class, do homework, go to rehearsals or practices, race home, do some laundry, wash dishes and, hopefully, find some time to relax, carry on a conversation, or even open up the Bible before heading to bed – just to start it all over again the next morning.
This lifestyle could very easily be paralleled to the years of Jesus’ ministry. We see several times in the gospels where Jesus intentionally removed Himself from the crowds and activities to pray, reflect, and prepare. It is no wonder then that we find Jesus choosing to take His last hours on earth retreated from the busyness of the world, in a private room with only His 12 disciples. This was where He chose to express the heart of the Father and His desire to do whatever was necessary for us to have eternal life, and initiate an opportunity for us to stop and remember.
A Maundy Thursday service, which derives its name from the Latin word mandatum, meaning ‘commandment,’ begins this solemn remembrance of four events of this day: Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, the institution of the Lord’s supper, Jesus’ agony in the garden, and the betrayal by Judas Iscariot. Our Maundy Thursday service, which we are calling Reflections, is an opportunity to slow down, prepare our hearts, and reflect on what Jesus’ final days were like and the new commandment He left for us – to love one another.
We hope to see you Friday, April 18, at 4:30 or 6 p.m. in the Worship Center for “Reflections,” an evening of remembering the sacrifice of Christ through music, prayer, silence, and acts of humility. A children’s program will be provided at the 4:30 service for 4 years-4th grade and childcare for 0-3 years. There will be no children’s services at the six o’clock service. Due to its solemn and reflective
nature, we ask that children 4th grade and under not attend the main services.
nature, we ask that children 4th grade and under not attend the main services.
Q: Why aren’t we doing The Passion Experience?
A: The Passion Experience has been a great event that we have done for the past two years. “Reflections” offers us the opportunity to focus on some different events leading up to Good Friday, which is what The Passion Experience solely focused on. It also gives everyone the opportunity to experience and consider what Jesus did in a new and fresh way. We will certainly return to The Passion Experience in the future, but felt after a few years of that, this would be a good time for something different.
Q: Why are we commemorating Maundy Thursday events on Good Friday?
A: Our church has had a tradition of having a Good Friday event (Passion Experience). Wanting to keep with a schedule that people are familiar with, as well as a day that many are released from school or work earlier than normal, we believe that Friday services will allow the opportunity for more to attend.
Q: Why can’t kids under 5th grade attend the main services?
A: The atmosphere of this service is very quiet and reflective. There will be elements of reading and responding that will require a higher level of literacy and understanding to truly engage. We feel that in order for adults and older kids to be able to fully engage, without the distraction of active kids or needing to explain all that is taking place throughout the service, it would be good to provide a kid-friendly program at the 4:30 service that we ask children in 4th grade and under to attend.
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