Thursday, April 10, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Overhaul Prep

We all prepare for things in our own ways. Mark exercises 5 days a week for about 90 minutes. His routine starts with a set of stretching exercises. He says sometimes it feels like it takes longer to prepare for exercise than to actually exercise. When Doug prepares to fly his plane he preforms a series of different checks and rechecks. Before he actually takes off, he makes sure the plane is prepared to fly. And then there’s Liz. Let’s just say you better not talk to her in the morning until sometime after her second cup of coffee – that helps her prepare for the day.
We all have different ways we prepare for the day. This Sunday we are going to look at how Jesus prepared for Easter. And in looking at that, we will learn how we need to be prepared as well when it comes to following Jesus. Hope to see you Sunday, when our children's ministry have prepared some special music for you!
Also, will you do two things with me? Will you pray and ask God who you should invite to Easter services? And then will you follow through and invite someone to church this Easter? I have my invitation cards and have several different people I want to invite to church on Easter. Join in praying for people come to personal faith in Jesus this Easter!


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