Thursday, May 8, 2014

Men of Valor: Thoughts on the Men’s Retreat

By Rich Shores 

Why is it that military movies like “Band of Brothers,” “Saving Private Ryan,” or “Glory” are so popular with men? I would suggest it is because each of those movies portrays men depending on each other with their lives. Their common denominator is a “brotherly love.” Without it, they would all likely perish in battle. The Marine Corps tells its recruits during boot camp that they will “Find the willpower you never knew you had, the strength you never knew you needed, bonds that will never break, and a lifelong desire to serve a purpose far greater than self.”

Well men, if you did not know it, our spiritual journeys present a battle that is no different than those battles that have been waged on the beaches and deserts of foreign nations. However, the battles we face are uniquely different. Paul says, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12, NLT).

Take note, Paul tells us, our enemy is not other men; our enemies are those of an unseen world. I ask you, how will you defeat an enemy whom you cannot see? Well, there is hope for all of us at LBF. Men’s Ministry is a band of brothers who are ready to stand up for one another. It not only equips us individually for the battles we are going to face, but we find a brother on our left and a brother on our right to connect with, confide in, and share from the heart when the going gets really, really tough.
Men, believe it or not, we are designed for relationship. We need relationships in order to continue to fight.

Case in point: The recent men’s retreat at Forest Home sent 53 men from LBF for a weekend of building faith and fellowship. I am new to LBF and knew that this was my opportunity to “get to know the guys.” Let me tell you, there were moments of hilarity, late nights of talking about movies, and eating some amazing ribs for lunch (am I right, men?). However, if I had not gone, I would have missed out on the opportunity to forge relationships through those shared experiences. We were also challenged in our faith through some amazing sessions and testimonies. As men from LBF, we learned how to strengthen our ability to serve, not only within ourselves, but as a community of men. For some of us, we shared some very deep seeded hurts and hardships that turned into opportunities to pray for one another. Relationships are not only built on the fun we have, but the trials we face together in the trenches.

In Matthew, we read how Jesus walked along and called His disciples. Imagine the courage it took for each of those men to stop what they were doing and follow Him. Imagine the courage it took to face the challenges Jesus was proposing those men would face for His sake. But do not forget, Jesus did not call just one or two guys… 

He called 12. Those 12 became a band of brothers, standing up to the enemies of the unseen world. Don’t you want to have your own band of brothers? As you read this, other men of valor are waiting to link shields with you and fight our common enemy. All it takes is that little bit of willpower – that you never knew you had – to join.

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