Thursday, May 15, 2014

When You Close Your Eyes, What Jesus Do You See?

By Dan Franklin, Pastor of Teaching

Walking through the Gospel of John at LBF, I have been surprised at which passages stand out to me most. One unexpected highlight is the familiar story of Jesus walking on the water. Here is the reason why: It is hard for me to imagine a better visual to bring to mind in order to inspire confidence in the Jesus to whom we have entrusted ourselves.

Most of us like to think that we are ruled by our reason and our will when we come to crisis points in our lives. While this may sound good on paper, it is important for us to know that this is not reality. In our crisis points, detached knowledge and morality go out the window. All we care about is who or what will bring relief and help and guidance in our peril. Unless we have supreme confidence in Jesus, we will turn Him aside and look elsewhere for guidance in our trials.

Here is an important question: When your circumstances overwhelm you, when temptation is at its boiling point, what image of Jesus comes to your mind? 

Does He come to your mind at all? I am not asking what rules or principles come to mind. I am asking what image of Jesus comes to mind. Do you see Him disapprovingly shaking His head? Do you see Him neutrally gazing off in a different direction? Do you see Him angrily getting ready to abandon you? I ask this question because whatever image of Jesus comes to our mind in those default moments will rule what relevance we believe He has to our lives.

John 6:15-21 tells the story of the stormy trip the disciples took as they sailed across the Sea of Galilee. The disciples probably felt like they were at the mercy of the created order. At any moment a wave could knock them over, the wind could tip them, lightning could strike them. They probably felt fairly powerless.

And then there was Jesus, walking out to them on top of the water, utterly unfazed not only by the storm, but by the limitations of humanity. The storm posed no threat to Him. The deep posed no threat to Him. He was absolutely in control. And His only statement in the story is when He says to His disciples, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” Or, more literally, “Don’t be afraid; I am.” Jesus calms our fears not by telling us something good or comforting about ourselves, not by giving us ironclad principles that will make our lives work – He calms our fears by telling us something wonderful about Himself.

The other day I was at the beach, looking out at the ocean. I was reflecting on different challenges that often feel overwhelming to me. My challenges often feel like intimidating waves, crashing dangerously close to me. At times, reflecting on our problems can make us feel like we are completely at their mercy. There were moments at the beach when I felt entirely overwhelmed.

But then I would smile. I would imagine Jesus out there, walking on top of the water. What a visual! It is as if He is saying to all of us, “You can trust Me; I can handle this.” Great comfort and peace come from this reality.

Next time you feel overwhelmed and tossed back and forth by life, consider calling that image to mind. Allow yourself to be calmed and led by the One who rules over all creation.

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