This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor
Romans 2:17-29
This week we learned from Paul that religious activity leads to a flawed relationship with God. That instead of focusing on rituals, God is concerned with matters of our heart. One of the key problems with focusing on religious ritual was the found in verse 24 – “No wonder the Scriptures say, 'The Gentiles blaspheme the name of God because of you.'” That was then – what about today?
During the message I quoted some portions of the book “UnChristian” written by David Kinnaman. In this book Kinnaman makes the case that many non-Christians want nothing to do with Christianity because of the behavior of Christians. He says that Christians are best known for what they are against – “they are perceived as judgmental, anti-homosexual, too political, out of touch with reality, insensitive to others, hypocritical – saying one thing and doing another.” I see a strong connection with the words of Paul in Romans and what this book has revealed as reality today.
What do you think? Is that too harsh an observation? Is it right on? How do you think Christian’s got this reputation? What can be done to change this reputation? Let’s talk!
Billy Graham once had an old Indian tell him that he would not seek to become a Christian because he never met a Christian who actually lived up to the words of Christ. Oz Guiness in promoting his book "The American Hour" challenged the audience I sat in at Fuller Seminary to "Think Christianly, in Europe were wondering if any of you are thinking at all." Too harsh, maybe, but I do know that those who are most likely to live the Christian life are far from the public eye, their work is done without fanfare. As far as how we got here. The reputation has been in place for centuries, but the same could be said for any religion. We're not alone in this judgement, just more seen.
ReplyDeleteAs I am living overseas right now, I have been keeping up with LBF through the podcasts. I'm a little behind, so I just heard this sermon. It made me think about how often my non-Christian friends describe me by saying "She's a Christian--but she's cool.". Like it is necessary to qualify me as separate from the perception of Christians described in Kinnamen's book. While I'm glad that my friends think I'm cool and that I apparently don't fall into the afore mentioned category, it got me thinking...What can I do personally to help turn that negative perception of Christians around? I have been praying on it and asking the Lord to help me live a life that draws others to Christ, not puts them off to Him. I hope that He will work through me.