This week we start a new series called “Define the Relationship.” It’s a study of the first five chapters of the New Testament book of Romans. For many, going to church is simply a religious activity. These people would more than likely define God as a distant being who makes rules for everyone to follow. If you follow these rules religiously, then all will be well; if you don’t, well that’s a whole other story.
It wasn’t until I went through a personal crisis in my early twenties that I began to really seek something more than religious activity. And in my seeking I found that God wanted not religious activity, but a personal relationship with His people – including me. In this series we will explore the different dimensions of our relationship with God. What is God like? How has He revealed Himself to us? What does He want from us? What does it mean to have a relationship with Him? What can I expect if I put my trust in Him? What about my sin and His holiness? How does that work?
As we start our series this week we will look at the broken condition of our relationship with God. May I suggest that you read Romans chapter one. We’ll focus on verses 18-32.
Also be praying for the 18 million Christian Egyptians as their country experiences much uncertainty during this revolution.
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