This week’s “Reflection” by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor
Romans 1:18-32
“How’s that workin’ for you?” is a common way Dr. Phil responds to guests on his show after they have just explained the mess they are in and how they are handling it. I couldn’t help but think about that as I reflected on the sermon for this week. Paul paints a very clear picture of why we are a broken people and the results of our brokenness in our relationship with God and with people.
Probably the most remembered and controversial part of Paul’s words in this passage is God’s view of homosexual behavior. I know this is a controversial subject to talk about and I also know that the church in America hasn’t done a very good job at representing God on this issue. I say that because God does not rate one sexual sin any different than any other – whether it be sex before marriage, sex outside of marriage, or homosexual behavior – all sexual sin is seen the same way by God, and yet the church seems to put more emphasis on homosexual behavior than adulterous behavior. I think this is inaccurate.
Why is it that people who sin by having sex before marriage or are involved in adultery feel more accepted in church than gay people? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.
Also if you are gay and believe your were born that way and then read in the Bible that homosexual behavior is a sin, how does that cause you to think about God? I wonder about that as well.
This subject of brokenness affects all of us in some way – if you’re willing use this blog to reply to these questions or share something else that is on your mind.
Next week: Romans 2:1-16
It is amazing to me how much the issue of homosexuality can keep people away from the church. I have heard it as a main issue when I am speaking to friends. It seems that most churches are quick to stand on the pulpit and denounce homosexuality and less likely to spread the word of Jesus' love.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Andy - I agree about the seemingly singular action the church in America takes. There is truth to be known on this subject but there is also a person to be loved. Wouldn't it be great if people who are gay could feel the freedom to come into a church and feel accepted and loved and understood and helped in their journey of knowing and walking with Jesus.