By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
It has been about two months since the elders announced that we would be searching to hire a primary teaching pastor to add to our teaching team and handle a majority of the messages for the weekend services, as well as create curriculum for other teaching opportunities within the church. This decision was made in cooperation with Pastors Jeff and Gary to allow them to focus on the other crucial areas of ministry in the church – overseeing worship and lead pastor duties respectively. Jeff and Gary will still be part of the teaching team and will teach periodically throughout the year, though with reduced frequency. Although change can be difficult for some, we are confident that this is where the Lord is leading LBF at this time, and the elders are excited about what God is going to do. We hope you are excited with us as we anticipate how God will move in this area.
Many of you have asked about the status of our search for a new Primary Teaching Pastor, so I thought it would be good to bring you up to speed on where we are in this process currently and what the next steps will be.
After posting the job on multiple pastoral job search websites, so far we have received more than 120 resumes from applicants literally from around the world. Pastors from India, the Philippines, Africa, and Canada have submitted their resumes, as well as people from all over the U.S. The first stage of the process has been to evaluate each resume, as well as audio and video teaching samples of each candidate. We’re seeking a person who is qualified educationally, experienced vocationally, connected culturally, and pastorally minded. It has been very interesting seeing the broad range of styles and teaching techniques used in churches across our country and around the world, and evaluating how it would or would not fit in the context and culture of LBF. At this point, we will be narrowing the field from over 120 to between seven and ten.
The next step will be to submit those 7-10 resumes and teaching samples to a subcommittee of church members that will evaluate them and bring a recommendation to members of the Elder Board. The subcommittee will narrow the field to two or three, who will then be presented to the entire church on selected Sundays so that the whole body will have an opportunity to be part of this process. Some of you have expressed interest in being part of the member subcommittee via K.I.T. cards as we have asked, and once we have narrowed the field we will contact you in regards to participation and meetings. If you would like to be considered for this committee, please let us know by writing “Search Committee” on a K.I.T. card on Sunday. Please understand that not everyone will be selected to be on the committee as we will need to keep it to no more than 10.
Thank you for all of the encouraging words and emails as we move through this process. It is exciting to see people excited about new things that God has for us as a church. As we have said before, we are not in any hurry as we want to be sure that the man we hire is the one that the Lord has for us. Please be praying for the elders and eventually the member subcommittee, that we will have wisdom and discernment as the Lord leads us through this process. If you have any questions, you can email them to, or pick up the information letter that we made available to the church originally and can now be found online at