Wednesday, June 29, 2011
This Weekend's Message: Choosing the Way We Live
Choosing the Way We Live
Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
It is impossible to determine for sure, but most agree that we literally make thousands of choices everyday. These choices can range from the simple everyday things, like which can of tomato soup do I buy, to how I respond to that temptation that is right in front of me. Some choices are not life-changing, while others can affect our lives forever, but in either case it is true that the choices we make everyday, big or small, have a lasting impact on our lives. That makes it so very important to know how to make choices that bring us health and wholeness and happiness.
How do you go about making the thousands of choices you face everyday? Do you have some guidelines for success? Do you just “shoot from the hip?” How does your knowledge of the Bible come into play here? Do you ever ask other people for advice?
This week in our study of Ecclesiastes, Solomon gives us some answers to the question he left us with at the end of chapter 6: How can we live well during our few and passing days on this earth? This week we’ll learn six important choices we can make that will help us find success in life.
I can’t wait! Hope to see you Sunday!
Gary Keith
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
This Weekend's Message: Enjoy-Engage-Entrust
A recent article was just published revealing the five best toys (play things) of all time.
1. A stick
2. Box
3. String
4. Cardboard Tube
5. Dirt
Remember when any one of these were all you needed to really enjoy yourself? When did life get so much more complicated? When did we lose the ability to be satisfied with anything less than the best, most modern, high tech stuff out there? Now don't get me wrong, I love all my iStuff just as much as anyone, but am I able to be content and enjoy anything less if that is what God has for me?
This weekend we are going to look at what Solomon calls a "sickening tragedy" in relation to a person's inability to enjoy the blessings of God.
So go read Ecclesiastes 6. You might even try reading it through a cardboard tube while sitting on a box in the dirt using a stick to help you keep your place and putting a string in your Bible to mark your spot until Sunday. :)
See ya Sunday!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Reflections: June 19, 2011
This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Lead Pastor
Satisfaction Sold Separately
Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
Sometimes it seems the way Christians talk about the Bible and money, you can feel like it is wrong to have lots of money. There can be this attitude that being wealthy and being a Christian is an oxymoron – that the two do not go together. This week as I looked at verse 19 of chapter five, Solomon seems to make it clear that being wealthy can be a good thing. In fact, he says people should enjoy their wealth. That caught me off guard a bit.
The problem with money comes when we make it our God, when we start pursuing it above anything else, or when we start devoting our entire life to getting more of it. Apart from that, being wealthy is a good thing. For the wealthy person who has the right perspective and uses that wealth to honor God, money can be a good thing. I guess what Solomon is saying is that it is not so much how much you have, but the focus of your life – is it God or money? What do you think? Can being wealthy be a good thing in the eyes of God?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
This Weekend's Message: Satisfaction Sold Separately
Satisfaction Sold Separately
Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
The Game of Life – A big player for all of us in the game of life is money. We need it to live. We pursue it so that we can accumulate as much of it as possible. We think it brings security to our life. We think it will give us what we need to have a happy life. We never quite have enough of it. We take some of it and try to use it to get more of it. We spend it on the necessities of life. We spend it on things we really don’t need but want. We give some of it away. We fight over how to spend it with our spouses. We hurt others in the pursuit of it. We use it to accomplish good.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea that money is a BIG part of our lives. Solomon knew that as well and has some important cautions for us to consider as we think about money – because when it comes to money “Satisfaction is Sold Separately!”
Gary Keith
Monday, June 13, 2011
Reflections: June 12, 2011
This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
It is so easy to make promises, yet often so hard to follow through. It can be so tempting to believe that we can make all sorts of outlandish promises to God, believing that somehow He does not know the true intent of our heart. Religiosity and rituals can often look like enough to convince God and others that our relationship with God is authentic, but the honesty of our heart reveals it is just a show. Our intentions may be good in the moment - especially moments of desperation - but I am challenged to consider what my rash promises reveal about my faith in God. If I feel I need to do something extreme so that God will do what I want Him to, what does that say about my trust that God is a good God and will do whatever is needed to bring about life and wholeness in a situation? My prayer for my life, and for yours, is that we would be slow to speak, quick to listen, and always open to inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives and situations, allowing Him to do the work necessary for us to find contentment in what we have, and see that He has an eternal plan that we get to have a part in.
This week, take some time to get quiet before God. Silence is difficult for most people, but God has proven over and over again to be faithful to reveal Himself top those who will wait on Him. He is the source of our strength. He is our eternal hope. He is the author of peace that goes beyond our understanding. He is the beginning and the end, and has invited us into a relationship with Him. Let’s do less talking, and more listening for His voice and guidance in our lives.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Top 10 Reasons to Attend PandaMania VBS This Summer
By Dale Palmer, Director of His Kids Children’s Ministries
(List compiled by our Facebook fans)
10. It answers the “I’m bored” problem.
(List compiled by our Facebook fans)
10. It answers the “I’m bored” problem.
9. Something to look forward to for five evenings.
8. Great music!
7. Hands-on, wild Bible adventures.
6. Make new friends/see old friends.
5. A new missions project to be involved in.
4. You too can be a star in our Spotlight Drama.
3. Enjoy the crazy and zaney adventures of Chadder.
2. Bamboo Blast Games.
1. You get to spend time learning about our Amazing God!
Don’t forget, parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join us each evening at 8:30 p.m. when we have the Rowdy Wrap-Up – a daily celebration of God’s love!
Mark these dates on your calendar: Monday, June 27-Friday, July 1. The fun begins each evening at 6 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. There is no charge for VBS. Registration forms are available by calling the church office @ 981-4848, ext. 242 or you can register directly online at Preregistration ends Friday, June 15. Registration will be taken each night of VBS as well to accommodate new friends.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
This Weekend's Message: Talk is Cheap
"God, if you will just _________, I promise I will ____________!" Ever made a statement like this? Have you ever promised God something with the hope of getting Him to work something for your favor? Can God be manipulated this way? And what if you can't/don't follow through with our promise? Does God just let it go?
This weekend we jump into chapter 5 of Ecclesiastes where we will look at the caution of Solomon about empty promises and meaningless vows to God. Take a few minutes and read Ecclesiastes 5:1-7, and begin considering what God wants to speak to us this weekend.
See ya Sunday,
Monday, June 6, 2011
Reflections: June 5, 2011
This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Lead Pastor
Which One is Better?
Ecclesiastes 4:1-16
In this passage after observing life “under the sun,” Solomon asked four “which one is better” questions. He looked at life and compared one issue with another and came to his conclusions about how to live. Probably the most familiar part of this chapter deals with the idea that two are better than one.
In case you’ve never heard this before, humans were not created to be alone. We are wired to be part of a community. What Solomon wanted to remind everyone was is that we are not made to live or work alone. This flies in the face of something we American’s are known for – individualism – but this is not how God wants us to live. So let me ask you, are you in community with other people? Do you have people in your life that can protect you and help you in your times of need? Do you have people in your life that can help you when you fall?
If not, what are your plans to solve this problem? What are you going to do to start being part of a community of people? Remember as we live our life two is better than one, and three is better yet!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
This Weekend's Message: Which One is Better?
Which One is Better?
Ecclesiastes 4:1-16
Comparisons. Everybody I know makes comparisons. We are continually asking ourselves, “Which one is better?” Was it the movie or the book? Is it Michael Jordon or Lebron James? Is it a Ford or Chevy? Is it chicken or steak? Is it an iPhone or is it an Android phone? Which one is better?
This week in our series called “The Game of Life,” we see that Solomon makes comparisons as well. In four different areas he asks, “Which one is better?” Not only does Solomon ask the question, but based on his observations of life, he shares with us his opinion about which is better. This week we will look at these four observations of life “under the sun” and find out which one is better. Hope to see you this Sunday!
Gary Keith
Primary Teaching Pastor Update
By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
It has been about two months since the elders announced that we would be searching to hire a primary teaching pastor to add to our teaching team and handle a majority of the messages for the weekend services, as well as create curriculum for other teaching opportunities within the church. This decision was made in cooperation with Pastors Jeff and Gary to allow them to focus on the other crucial areas of ministry in the church – overseeing worship and lead pastor duties respectively. Jeff and Gary will still be part of the teaching team and will teach periodically throughout the year, though with reduced frequency. Although change can be difficult for some, we are confident that this is where the Lord is leading LBF at this time, and the elders are excited about what God is going to do. We hope you are excited with us as we anticipate how God will move in this area.
Many of you have asked about the status of our search for a new Primary Teaching Pastor, so I thought it would be good to bring you up to speed on where we are in this process currently and what the next steps will be.
After posting the job on multiple pastoral job search websites, so far we have received more than 120 resumes from applicants literally from around the world. Pastors from India, the Philippines, Africa, and Canada have submitted their resumes, as well as people from all over the U.S. The first stage of the process has been to evaluate each resume, as well as audio and video teaching samples of each candidate. We’re seeking a person who is qualified educationally, experienced vocationally, connected culturally, and pastorally minded. It has been very interesting seeing the broad range of styles and teaching techniques used in churches across our country and around the world, and evaluating how it would or would not fit in the context and culture of LBF. At this point, we will be narrowing the field from over 120 to between seven and ten.
The next step will be to submit those 7-10 resumes and teaching samples to a subcommittee of church members that will evaluate them and bring a recommendation to members of the Elder Board. The subcommittee will narrow the field to two or three, who will then be presented to the entire church on selected Sundays so that the whole body will have an opportunity to be part of this process. Some of you have expressed interest in being part of the member subcommittee via K.I.T. cards as we have asked, and once we have narrowed the field we will contact you in regards to participation and meetings. If you would like to be considered for this committee, please let us know by writing “Search Committee” on a K.I.T. card on Sunday. Please understand that not everyone will be selected to be on the committee as we will need to keep it to no more than 10.
Thank you for all of the encouraging words and emails as we move through this process. It is exciting to see people excited about new things that God has for us as a church. As we have said before, we are not in any hurry as we want to be sure that the man we hire is the one that the Lord has for us. Please be praying for the elders and eventually the member subcommittee, that we will have wisdom and discernment as the Lord leads us through this process. If you have any questions, you can email them to, or pick up the information letter that we made available to the church originally and can now be found online at
It has been about two months since the elders announced that we would be searching to hire a primary teaching pastor to add to our teaching team and handle a majority of the messages for the weekend services, as well as create curriculum for other teaching opportunities within the church. This decision was made in cooperation with Pastors Jeff and Gary to allow them to focus on the other crucial areas of ministry in the church – overseeing worship and lead pastor duties respectively. Jeff and Gary will still be part of the teaching team and will teach periodically throughout the year, though with reduced frequency. Although change can be difficult for some, we are confident that this is where the Lord is leading LBF at this time, and the elders are excited about what God is going to do. We hope you are excited with us as we anticipate how God will move in this area.
Many of you have asked about the status of our search for a new Primary Teaching Pastor, so I thought it would be good to bring you up to speed on where we are in this process currently and what the next steps will be.
After posting the job on multiple pastoral job search websites, so far we have received more than 120 resumes from applicants literally from around the world. Pastors from India, the Philippines, Africa, and Canada have submitted their resumes, as well as people from all over the U.S. The first stage of the process has been to evaluate each resume, as well as audio and video teaching samples of each candidate. We’re seeking a person who is qualified educationally, experienced vocationally, connected culturally, and pastorally minded. It has been very interesting seeing the broad range of styles and teaching techniques used in churches across our country and around the world, and evaluating how it would or would not fit in the context and culture of LBF. At this point, we will be narrowing the field from over 120 to between seven and ten.
The next step will be to submit those 7-10 resumes and teaching samples to a subcommittee of church members that will evaluate them and bring a recommendation to members of the Elder Board. The subcommittee will narrow the field to two or three, who will then be presented to the entire church on selected Sundays so that the whole body will have an opportunity to be part of this process. Some of you have expressed interest in being part of the member subcommittee via K.I.T. cards as we have asked, and once we have narrowed the field we will contact you in regards to participation and meetings. If you would like to be considered for this committee, please let us know by writing “Search Committee” on a K.I.T. card on Sunday. Please understand that not everyone will be selected to be on the committee as we will need to keep it to no more than 10.
Thank you for all of the encouraging words and emails as we move through this process. It is exciting to see people excited about new things that God has for us as a church. As we have said before, we are not in any hurry as we want to be sure that the man we hire is the one that the Lord has for us. Please be praying for the elders and eventually the member subcommittee, that we will have wisdom and discernment as the Lord leads us through this process. If you have any questions, you can email them to, or pick up the information letter that we made available to the church originally and can now be found online at
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