By Gary Keith, Lead Pastor
I was looking over the records for the first six months of 2011 and noticed something very encouraging – we added 20 new members to our church. While we have several thousand people who attend our church, these 20 people took the step to understand our church mission and vision and in essence say, “I want to commit myself to that. I want to be part of that work of God.” I can still remember the time Miriam and I made the decision to become members of this church.
We consider membership at LBF both a wonderful commitment and a great privilege. As we prepare to return to life without vacations and with kids back in school, I thought it would be a good time to remind everyone of the value and importance of membership.
Membership at LBF starts with being a Christian. Every member of LBF has made a clear profession of faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Beyond that, people who are members are encouraged to live out that membership in six different areas:
1. Members build unity in the church by encouraging others, avoiding gossip and resolving conflict in a biblical way. This is so important because as representatives of Jesus in this community, people are looking at us and asking what a church is all about and how is it modeling the life of Jesus.
(Ephesians 4:3, Matthew 18:15-17)
2. Members financially support the ministry of the church. Our teaching on giving comes right out of 2 Corinthians 8, where each of the members first gave themselves to the Lord and then did what the Lord asked of them. Giving is an essential part of our worship to the Lord. If you haven’t gone before the Lord recently and asked what you should give to this church, let me encourage you to do so and then just do what God says.
3. Members participate in Sunday services. The gathering of the church family at our worship services is an essential component for spiritual growth. And while we don’t take attendance to see who is coming, let me encourage all of us to come often and join with the church family in experiencing all that God has for you. (Hebrews 10:25)
4. Members participate in small groups. With a church our size, the weekend services provide one type of spiritual growth opportunity, but they in no way provide a total plan for growing spiritually. We believe that gathering together in weekly small groups is essential for spiritual growth. If you’re not in one, I encourage you to find one soon and be faithful to it. (See a complete listing of Home Groups at (Acts 2:46-47)
5. Members serve according to their gifts and talents. One of the most memorable statements of Jesus is found in Matthew 20:28. In this passage Jesus says that He did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. As followers of Jesus we are to follow His example. God has gifted you; use that gift to serve as Jesus served.
6. Members reach out to others by sharing Christ and helping in practical ways. God has chosen to use people to get His message of Jesus and the salvation He offers out to others. Reaching out to others is not just about being a member of this church, it is also about being a Christian. God loves people and they matter to Him. We have the eternal message that will make an eternal difference – let’s share it!
Okay, so that’s what being a member of LBF is all about. I know we all enjoy the casual atmosphere and fun activities here at LBF, and those things are an important part of being a member, but as we start this new school year let me ask you to live out your membership by raising the bar of participation. And if you’re not a member, come to the next Meet LBF (see for details) and find out what you’ve been missing.
You’ll be glad you did!