Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This Weekend's Message: The Clothes Matter

Steve Hanson was eating dinner with his family at a local restaurant. They hardly noticed when a group of firefighters walked in, still wearing their turnout pants after responding to an accident down the street. A bit later, as conversation around the Hanson table continued, Steve’s wife noticed he was silent. He soon showed signs of distress and clutched his throat. Steve’s wife looked to their son and said, “Get the firemen.” Without missing a beat, he ran straight to the firemen’s table and told them his dad was choking. They rushed to the table to find Steve turning blue from lack of oxygen and beginning to lose consciousness. One of the firefighters grabbed Steve from behind and performed the Heimlich Maneuver, launching a piece of steak that had been caught in Steve’s throat across the table. After all the hugs and thanks from the family, the firefighters went back to their dinner, the family so thankful they knew where to turn.

A key element in this story that may have gone unnoticed was how quickly Steve’s son was able to get help because he knew where to go. The firefighters were easily identifiable because of the clothes they were wearing. The family didn’t have to jump up and down in a panic shouting “Can someone help us?” or waste valuable time asking unqualified people to assist. Because of the clothes of the firemen, Steve got the help he needed when he needed it most.

So, what does this have to do with X-treme Living or church on Sunday? Get ready, because we are going to continue into Colossians 3:12-17 and see just what a difference the way we dress ourselves can have on saving the life of someone we may not even know is watching.

Interact with us on Twitter and maybe you’ll get a shout out during the sermon! Answer the following question... “What is a character trait you would like to be known for?” #lbfXtremeLiving

See ya Sunday,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Weekend's Message: Xtreme Makeover

Xtreme Makeover
Colossians 3:5-11

For nearly a decade “Extreme Makeover” shows have been very popular. There is extreme makeover weight loss edition, plastic surgery edition, before and after edition, and probably the most popular one is home edition. In each of these shows, the dream is that something major will change for the better. Maybe it’s a whole new life with loss of weight, or a new face through plastic surgery, or the big one is a brand new home. Now that is something to get excited about!

As we continue our series called “Xtreme Living” this week we will look at part one of what it means to get an extreme makeover. Now that we have this new life in Christ – our X Factor – what is involved in extreme living? How do I experience extreme living? This could be risky and dangerous, but it promises to bring about a life full of meaning and purpose that will last forever.

See you Sunday,
Gary Keith

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Weekend's Message: X-treme Hope

What does it look like to live an X-treme life for Jesus? And once you know what it means, how do you do it?

Dan Franklin

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This Easter Weekend's Message: Great Story, But So What?

Jesus rose from the grave. Great story. But what in the world does it have to do with my life and my problems today? The answer is bigger and better than you think.

Dan Franklin