Monday, July 30, 2007

Reflections: July 28-29, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Russ Parker, LBF Business Administrator

This past weekend more than 150 of our church members and attenders took part in Serve Day. LBF provided leadership for seven projects that blessed our community and served people and ministry in need. What a huge success it was! From washing cars to painting houses to checking blood pressure, there were lots of ways to get involved on Serve Day.

I personally have heard numerous stories from the day...stories about how blessed we were to serve and show Christ's love, and stories of how amazingly that love was accepted. 

Did you participate in Serve Day? We want to hear about your experiences as we celebrate the ways God moved on July 28th. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Reflections: July 21-22, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Pastor of Teaching/Worship

This week in our Old Testament Journey, we looked at the life of Saul. While he was out looking for lost donkeys, God interrupted his life and anointed him to be the first kind of Israel. But Saul was never able to fully trust God. This led to disobedience of God and fear of people. When Saul got close to truly repenting and following God, it became clear that he only wanted to find releif from his pain and feel better.

This week as we live in our world, may we do a better job at trusting God with our whole life and of obeying His Word? May we allow God to rule our lives instead of allowing the fear of people rule our lives? And when that pain comes from our sin may we pursue true repentance through Christ and not just look for relief.

Take time this week to thank God for His love and His patience with you as we all learn how to live more fully, trusting God especially in those unexpected interruptions of life.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Reflections: July 14-15, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Bob Erickson Interim Teaching Pastor
"What's Up!"  Are you praying?  Are you denying? Are you listening? Are you praying your heart to God?  Are you sticking your head in the sand?  Are you saying "speak Lord for your servant is listening? 

How you live your life is up to you,  my prayer is that you will hear from God and grow in grace. 

Thank you for a great time over the last six months, may God continue to lead each and every one of you. 

Take care,
Pastor Bob

Monday, July 9, 2007

Reflections: July 7-8, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Anthony Guynes Pastor of Assimilation and Missions

Yesterday after the 9:30 service, a woman came up and shared with me how her home was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. She related to the message so much because of the way she saw people helping each other during that horrible time, even up until today.
Thinking back on the book of Ruth, and this weekend's message, what experiences have you had where you saw God working through human acts of everday or extraordinary love? 

Monday, July 2, 2007

Reflections: June 30-July 1, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith Pastor of Teaching/Worship
This weekend we saw in Judges that God consistently rescues his people even though they consistently break their covenant with him.
What a great and gracious God we serve. As you reflect on the message this week consider your own life of love and obedience to God; and how he has been gracious to you.
If you're in pain, maybe it's time to cry out to God for his help.
If you are experiencing peace, try thanking Him for his goodness in your life and ask Him to guard your heart from complacency.

If you're sinning, seek God honestly for forgiveness with a repentant heart. Remember there are two things you can count on: First that the evil one will try and deceive you. Second that God will always be faithful to forgive you.
The good news is we don't have to live in an endless cycle of falling into sin over and over again. We can live in the freedom of Christ. May God grow and deepen our love for him this week.
On another note: Let me tell you how proud I was of our church this past weekend. Rallying together as a family, our church lovingly embraced the Libutti family. Hundreds of our church members reached out in a variety of tangible ways to support the Libutti family in this great time of need. We estimate the memorial service had an attendance of 1200-1500 people...and the only way we were able to accommodate these was through your helpful efforts. Please continue to pray for the families involved in the accident.