Monday, March 29, 2010

Palm Sunday: Palm Branches + Kids = Lots o' Photography

Is there any more photogenic Sunday of the year? Each year, parent scurry about, dodging and weaving to get a shot of their child/children celebrating Jesus' entry palm branch-in-hand. Singing "Hosanna", our precious ones stream down the isles towards the front. There's laughter, joy, confusion and even tears. It's a moment for all to capture! Here are just few of the pictures!

Reflections: March 28, 2010

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
 Wii Believe
Weekend's Reflection
As I have been thinking about this call to "Walk in the Spirit" I feel God is reminding me that this "walk" is a journey. There are going to be missteps, trips, and falls, but the concept of walking in the Spirit is that we are surrendered to God at a level that we allow, and even depend, on Him to pick us back up rather than relying on our own resolve.

What are some ways that you are going to seek to walk in the Spirit this week and allow the Spirit to move in you and through you?

Share it with us so that we can keep you in prayer and be encouraged by your willingness to to surrender the Spirit of God.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Wii Believe...Walking in the Spirit

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
Wii Believe

Have you ever been lost? I don't mean the "can't find your way out of a parking lot" kind of lost, but the kind of lost that makes you wonder if there is any hope for you, and whether you will ever make any progress or move forward in your life.
We have been given the tremendous gift of the Holy Spirit which Jesus promised would be sent to free us from the power of sin... Romans 8:2. Intercede for us... ­ Romans 8:26. Teach us... John 14:26. Guide us in truth... John 16:13. Comfort us... ­ John 14:16-26. Lead us to intimacy with the Father... ­ Romans 8:15-16. Fill us with the hope of God... ­ Romans 15:13. Produce love, joy, peace...­ Galatians 5:22-23.
Now we have a choice to walk in the Spirit or not. But what goes into that? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? How do you know if you are walking in the Spirit? This is the stuff we will talk about this weekend as we continue to look at what "Wii Believe".
See ya Sunday

Monday, March 22, 2010

Reflections: March 21, 2010

By Gary Keith, Executive and Teaching Pastor

I have two things I have been reflecting on since Sunday morning. The first is how to solve the idea of whether we can give up our salvation once we have genuinely become a Christian. Two of the key passages I studied on this were John 10:27:30 and Hebrews 6:4-6, 9. Take a look at those two sets of Scripture and let me know your thoughts.
The second thing I've been thinking about is how to answer this question: How do we know it is the Holy Spirit at work in us and not just our human effort? Do you have any stories that would help answer this question? If so share them by clicking on the link below. My prayer is that our understanding of the Holy Spirit is not just head knowledge but that we can experience the Holy Spirit and be part of making his invisible presence visible - Have a great week - God Bless

Thursday, March 18, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Wii the Holy Spirit

The topic of the Holy Spirit is one that has brought controversy and confusion within the walls of the church. Maybe one of the reasons this is true is because the Holy Spirit is so mystical. We can picture Jesus because he became human. But when we try to picture the Holy Spirit no image comes to our mind. Jesus compared the Holy Spirit to the wind. But we can't see the wind only it's effects. Also adding to our confusion is that so much of the Holy Spirit is about our experience. Who is the Holy Spirit and what do wii believe about him?  We'll try and shed some light on that question this week.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Gary

Monday, March 15, 2010

Reflections: March 14, 2010

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

Wii BelieveTo be good, or not to be good...that is NOT the question. As I think about this idea of goodness, and then consider the passage in Romans 3 that tells me that I am not good, and in fact no one is, it makes me stop and literally sigh in relief that the bad choices I make and the ways that I sin against God, are not going to cost me my very life. The truth that I have been redeemed and that as my heart is before God I am seen as holy and precious, brings me such a sense of gratefulness that I can do nothing other than praise Him. You and I don’t have to walk around wondering if we measure up. Through Christ we measure up. We don’t have to live in fear that we are not good enough. Through Christ we are good enough. We don’t have to spend our days consumed with the fear, wondering whether there was a rule we forgot or a sin that is not covered. Through Christ we are covered.
So, if being good is not what saves us, what role should it play in a Christian’s life? Do you view goodness as an obligation or as a product of a relationship with Christ?
Have a great week living in the knowledge that you are redeemed!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Wii Redemption

Wii BelieveYou're a good man, Charlie Brown!

Even though he had many failures, in the end, it was simply because he was
a good guy that got him accepted. Many people base their theology on this kind of thinking: Good people go to heaven.

Before Sunday, I want to challenge you to read and give some serious thought to Romans 3, particularly verses 9-23. As we gather this weekend, we will talk about this idea of where our salvation comes from and the very popular belief that "good people go to heaven."

See ya Sunday!


Jeff Taylor Mii

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thoughts on 1 Colossians 1:1-14

Colossians 1
1Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 2To the holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse: Grace and peace to you from God our Father.
3We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints- 5the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the word of truth, the gospel 6that has come to you. All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth. 7You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, 8and who also told us of your love in the

9For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. 13For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

During our Staff Meeting this morning, we read through Colossians 1:1-14. As we discussed this passage, here are some of the themes we identified:
  • Faith, hope, love
  • Comes through the Gospel, through Jesus
  • Reminder of how their lives changed when they heard the Gospel
  • Reminder of the importance of praying for people
  • And for praying for God’s will and the production of fruit
  • Having endurance and patience
  • Sharing in God’s inheritance
  • Redemption and forgiveness
  • About the way we should be praying for people in ministry
  • Confident of the hope of what God has reserved for us in heaven
  • Hope in the future that comes from God’s promise
  • Because we live to honor the Lord we live in kindness – kindnesscomes through faith in God
  • Gospel spreads through people – reaching out to other people
  • Some people hear, but don't understand
  • Paul understands God's grace
  • We needed rescuing though we did not know it
Is there anything that stands out to you?

Reflections: March 7, 2010

This week's Reflection by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor
Wii Believe
Wii Jesus
To embrace the belief that Jesus was both fully God and fully man can cause a person to ask some interesting questions. For example, I had someone ask me, 'When did Jesus know that He was the Son of God? Did He know as a toddler? Or was when He was twelve and confounding the Jewish religious leaders? Or was it when He was baptized? Exactly when did Jesus know that He was the Son of God?'
Good question. That is just one of many we could ask when we really take time to consider the incarnation - God in the flesh. What are your questions about this subject? Which part of Jesus is it more difficult for you to understand - His humanity or His deity? Or is it the one nature combination of Jesus as human and divine?
When all of this is considered, what does it take to actually put your belief in this Biblical truth of the incarnation?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Men's Breakfast Feeds 150 in More Ways Than One

By Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration & Leadership Development
A few Saturday's ago, LBF's Men's Ministry packed The Garage with an unprecedented crowd of hungry men. Nearly 150 of all ages gathered to eat, develop friendships, and hear an amazing testimony of God.

There's an incredible amount of teamwork that goes into planning and feeding 110 men, and there was a work of God to make that food stretch to feed 150! I'll match up our men's breakfast food versus any local café or breakfast place. It's good food, tt's man food, void of any artificial sweeteners or substitutes. But that's not all...
There's something about 150 men packed into a room, singing their hearts out, worshipping God. It's loud, it's bass-y, and full of, shall we say, "joyful noises?" It's certainly not a well-orchestrated choir, but it's real. We were blessed with an amazing group of guys who organized and led us in time of worship through music.
God then blessed us with Aaron Hudson. What a gift Aaron and his wife, Jenny, are to us at LBF. Aaron shared his life journey and how he gave his life to Jesus just a few years ago. In his car, in the middle of the freeway, he prayed for God "to take the wheel." His journey was full of what he described as "lucky bounces." Looking back, he is able to understand how God has cared for him as a father in ways he didn’t even realize. Aaron's authentic sharing moved many who listened. I talked with others afterward that were encouraged by Aaron's story.
Men's breakfast comes around about once a quarter. I can't wait to see how God uses the next one. Feel free to join in with your comments and share about your experience at our recent men's breakfast.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Wii Jesus

Wii BelieveThere is no doubt that Jesus Christ has easily been the most dominant historical figure ever. He inspires people to create great works of art and great works of music. He has caused great social renewal and He has also been the excuse for horrible evil. People worship Jesus and people hate Jesus. People have died as martyrs for Jesus and have killed others in His name. His name is used as a curse word more than any other.
What is it about Jesus that provokes all of this attention? Who is this Jesus that Christians say they believe in? What do Christians believe about Jesus? Those are the questions we will tackle this Sunday as we continue our series called "Wii Believe."
Pastor Gary
Gary Keith's Mii

Monday, March 1, 2010

Reflections: February 28, 2010

This week's Reflection by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

Wii Believe

  1. There is one God.
  2. The deity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is equal.
  3. God is all three persons at every moment.
  4. The Trinity is eternal. There has always been three.
  5. The Trinity is incomprehensible.
What do each of these things mean to you as you consider your relationship with God? Does it bring comfort, awe, fear, bewilderment, etc…? Share with us how your understanding of this three-in-one God impacts you, and your relationship with Him.